Managing registered applications

Use the Administration page of the Jazz® Team Server to manage the applications registered with the server. You can view registered applications, register new applications, or edit the settings for registered applications.


  1. Log in to the Administration page of the Jazz Team Server. Point your web browser to https://[fully qualified hostname]:9443/jts/admin
    Remember: The [fully qualified hostname] is the host name along with the DNS domain reference of the machine on which the Jazz Team Server is installed.
  2. On the Administration page, click the Server tab.
  3. In the Configuration pane, click Registered Applications.
  4. Optional: To register a new application, see Registering applications with the Jazz Team Server.
  5. Optional: To edit or delete a registered application, hover over the application name and click the Edit registered application or Delete registered application icon, respectively.
    Note: If you choose to edit a registered application, you can only modify its name or discovery URL.
  6. Optional: To change the settings of a registered application, click Settings in the Manage column. The Administration page of the application appears.