Backing up and restoring Lifecycle Query Engine and Link Index Provider (LDX)

You can back up and restore data that is indexed by Lifecycle Query Engine (LQE) or Link Index Provider (LDX). The copy of the indexed data can be used in the future to restore LQE or LDX to a previous state.

Note: The server on which you are creating the backup must be mapped or mounted - URIs are not supported.

Before you begin

Before you can perform backups, you must specify a directory on the server as the backup directory. For more information, see Specifying a backup directory.

Ensure that the disk space is at least three times the current size of the indexes under <JTSInstallDir>\server\conf\lqe or <JTSInstallDir>\server\conf\ldx.

About this task

You can create a backup of the indexed data, which you can then use to restore the data to a previous state.

To find backup and restore instructions for all CLM products, go to the Interactive guides.


  1. On the LQE or LDX Administration page, in the navigation pane, under Configuration, click Backup.
    Screen capture of the Backup wizard showing available time intervals for creating backups.
  2. You can back up LQE or LDX in the following ways:
    • To create backups on a regular schedule, in the Scheduled Backups section, click Edit. Select the time and days of the week when you want the backup to be created, and then select the backup directory.
    • To create a backup immediately, in the One Time Backup section, click Backup Now and select the backup directory. When you request a backup, it starts as soon as all the current activity finishes.

Restoring LQE or LDX from a backup directory

In the backup directory, you see a time-stamped directory or directories (if more than one backup was performed) containing the following directories:
  • datasets: This directory contains the following directories:
    • In LQE and LDX:
      • default\indexTdb: Backup of the LQE or LDX index database: <JTSInstallDir>\server\conf\lqe\indexTdb, or <JTSInstallDir>\server\conf\ldx\indexTdb
      • default\textIndex: Backup of the LQE or LDX Lucene index that is used for full text searching of the triples: <JTSInstallDir>\server\conf\lqe\textIndex or <JTSInstallDir>\server\conf\ldx\textIndex
      • version\indexTdb: Backup of the Tracked Resources Set (TRS) version of every artifact
    • Only in LQE:
      • shapes\indexTdb: Backup of the resource shapes index
      • shapes\textIndex: Backup of the LQE Lucene index that is used for full text searching of the resource shapes
      • history\indexTdb: For historical metrics
      • history\textIndex: For historical metrics text searches
  • metadata: Contains backup properties and settings.


  1. Shut down the servlet engine that contains LQE or LDX.
  2. Rename the current indexes.
    • For LQE rename the following directories in <JTSInstallDir>\server\conf\lqe:
      • indexTdb
      • textIndex
      • shapeTdb
      • shapeText
      • historyTdb
      • historyText
      • versionTdb
    • For LDX, rename the following directories in <JTSInstallDir>\server\conf\ldx:
      • indexTdb
      • textIndex
      • versionTdb
  3. Copy the backed-up LQE indexes to the server.
    1. Copy the backed up directory Backup<timestamp>\datasets into <JTSInstallDir>\server\conf\lqe, or <JTSInstallDir>\server\conf\ldx.
    2. Copy the backed up directory Backup<timestamp>\metadata into <JTSInstallDir>\server\conf\lqe or <JTSInstallDir>\server\conf\ldx .
  4. Edit the file in <JTSInstallDir>\server\conf\lqe\ or <JTSInstallDir>\server\conf\ldx\ Set the property lqe.restore=true.
  5. Start the servlet engine that contains LQE or LDX.