Configuring compliance for NIST SP 800-131A in DWA

You can configure IBM® Engineering Requirements Management DOORS® - Web Access (DWA) to communicate over secure sockets in compliance with the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) Special Publication (SP) 800-131A standard. That standard specifies the algorithms to use to strengthen security, and the minimum encryption strengths that are required for the algorithms.

Before you begin

Configure DWA to comply with Federal Information Processing Standard (FIPS) 140-2.

About this task

To configure DWA to comply with SP 800-131A, you modify the Apache Tomcat server configuration values to reject requests with certificates that do not meet the minimum required encryption strengths. You must use a security provider that complies with FIPS 140-2 and configure its system properties to run in SP 800-131A mode. That configuration ensures that you are using the proper protocol and cipher suites.

For strict compliance, key strength and signature algorithms are also verified. Strict compliance allows only the TLS 1.2 protocol. You must ensure that the certificates, keys, and secure random number generator, if specified, comply with SP 800-131A.

Important: If you specify TLS 1.2 protocol, see vendor documentation to determine whether your browser supports that version.

When DWA is enabled to support SP800-131A in strict mode, all remote services must also be configured to support SP 800-131A strict mode. If a remote service does not support the minimum requirements for SP 800-131A strict mode, than any request to that service will fail.

Configuring DWA to comply with NIST SP 800-131A involves these steps:
  • In the Apache Tomcat startup script, set system parameters that specify the SSL protocol and the SP 800-131A mode. Set a cipher suite parameter to restrict outgoing requests for remote services.
  • Modify the Apache Tomcat server configuration to accept only specific protocols and cipher suites.
  • Ensure that cryptographic keys adhere to a minimum key strength of 112 bits.
  • Ensure that digital signatures are a minimum of SHA2 and 2048 bits.


  1. Open the Apache Tomcat startup script file in an editor and add parameters for the SSL protocol, the SP 800-131A compliance level, and the cipher suites. At the entry that you added for FIPS 140-2, add JAVA_OPTS entries for these parameters:
    Parameter Value
    https.protocols Set to TLSv1.2. The protocol must be compatible with the protocols that are enabled on the remote server. Set to strict.
    https.cipherSuites Enter a supported cipher suite. This parameter restricts the ciphers that are used by outgoing requests for remote services. These cipher suites must be compatible with the cipher suites that are set for the remote server.
    • On Windows systems, the server.start.bat script file is in the DWA installation directory; for example, <DOORSWebAccess_install_dir>\version. This example includes the required values for the SSL protocol and compliance level parameters, and an example of supported cipher suites:
      set JAVA_OPTS=%JAVA_OPTS% -Dhttps.protocols=TLSv1.2
      set JAVA_OPTS=%JAVA_OPTS% 
      set JAVA_OPTS=%JAVA_OPTS% -Dhttps.cipherSuites="SSL_RSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA, SSL_DHE_RSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA, 
      cd %CATALINA_HOME%\bin
      call ".\startup.bat"
    • On Linux® systems, the script file is in the DWA installation directory. This example includes the required values for the SSL protocol and compliance level parameters, and an example of supported cipher suites:
      JAVA_OPTS="$JAVA_OPTS -Dhttps.protocols=TLSv1.2"
      export JAVA_OPTS

    For strict compliance, key strength and signature algorithms are also verified. Strict compliance allows only TLS 1.2 protocol. You must ensure that the certificates, keys, and secure random number generator, if specified, all comply with SP 800-131A.

  2. Save and close the file.
  3. Open the Apache Tomcat server.xml file in an editor.
    That file is in the DWA installation in the server/conf directory; for example, C<DOORSWebAccess_install_dir>\version\server\conf
  4. In the HTTPS connector section, set the sslProtocol and sslEnabledProtocols values to the minimum TLS version, which is based on the value that is determined by the system property value; for example:
    For more information about the HTTPS connector section, see Configuring DWA to use SSL or TLS.
  5. Set the cipher suites to further restrict what the server accepts. The value for this entry must match the value that is used in the https.cipherSuites parameter in the server startup script, as described in step 1; for example:
    Ensure that Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) is configured to use only an approved cipher suite for SP 800-131A. For a list of cipher suites, see "IBM JSSE2 Cipher Suites" in Related information.

What to do next

Update client browsers to one that supports the minimum TLS version. The minimum TLS version is determined by the value that is specified in the sslProtocol property that is in the server.xml file.

Ensure that client and server certificates, including root and intermediate certificates, are at least 112 bits and are signed properly, as defined in this procedure. Check keys in keystores and trusted certificates in trust stores.

See Configuring compliance for NIST SP 800-131A in the DOORS database server and client.