Rejoining a partition

Rejoining an exported partition updates your database with the changes that have been made to the data that you exported. Any read locks associated with the export are removed when you rejoin the partition, and you cannot synchronize any further updates.

Before you begin

Log in to IBM Engineering Requirements Management DOORS (DOORS ) as a project manager, database manager, or custom user who has the power to partition data.

About this task

As changes in the remote database might have been made by users who do not exist in your database, the history record shows the user who rejoins the partition as being the user who made the changes.
The following system attributes are automatically created when you rejoin a partition:
  • Remote Created By
  • Remote Created On
  • Remote Last Modified By
  • Remote Last Modified On

Rejoining an exported partition also removes the read-only locks, so users can edit the data again.

You cannot rejoin a partition if either the project or any of the modules in the partition are open.
Note: In the database explorer, the folder or project that is selected in the left pane is open and has an open folder icon open folder icon or an open project icon open project icon. Its parent folder or project is also open, and so are all the folders and projects above it in the database tree, although they do not have open folder or open project icons.

When a module is open, all the folders and projects above it in the database tree are also open.


  1. In the database explorer, select the project whose partition you want to rejoin, and then click File > Properties.
    You must have modify and create access to the project.
  2. Click the Exported Partitions tab.
  3. Select the partition that you want to rejoin, and then click Rejoin.
  4. Browse to the return file that you received, and click OK.