Mapping attributes to URIs for external applications

You can map attributes to Uniform Resource Identifiers (URIs) to create a consistent OSLC representation for attributes across all modules that integrate with external applications. External applications can include IBM® Engineering Lifecycle Optimization Engineering Insights, Jazz® Reporting Service, and applications that integrate with IBM Engineering Requirements Management DOORS® (DOORS ) by using OSLC.

About this task

Attributes that are used in multiple modules have unique identifiers in those modules, even if the attributes have the same name and type in each module. As a result, external applications treat an attribute that occurs in multiple modules as though it is a different attribute in each module. This behavior can cause issues. For example, a reporting application might not report an attribute value consistently across modules.

Attribute mapping assigns one URI to attributes that have the same name and type but that are in different modules. This mapping provides a consistent OSLC representation that external applications can use to recognize and report on equivalent attributes across modules.

Note: You only need to map attributes to URIs if you export ReqIF data from DOORS to IBM Engineering Requirements Management DOORS Next (DOORS Next). The mapping is not relevant for migration (migiz) packages.
System attributes are identified by predefined, default URIs. Although these attributes and URIs are default properties, but you can modify them to meet team or customer needs. For more information about attributes and URI identifiers, see the Resource Description Framework (RDF) resources in the related links.
Table 1. System attributes and their default URIs
System attribute Default URI
Absolute Number
Created By
Created On
Created Thru
Last Modified By
Last Modified On
Object Heading
Object Short Text
Object Text

Restriction: Jazz Reporting Service reports do not include links from DOORS objects to external web URLs.


To map attributes to URIs:

  1. In the DOORS client, click File > Mappings.
    The Attribute and Linking Mapping window opens.
  2. On the Attributes page, click Add.
  3. In the Database Explorer pane, navigate to and select a module.
  4. In the Attributes pane, select one or more attributes and click OK.
  5. Select an attribute in the Mapped Attributes list and complete one of these steps:
    • Click Edit. In the Edit URI window, enter a URI and click OK.
    • Click Suggest to assign suggested URIs to the following entries:
      • Attributes that do not have a mapped URI
      • Selected attributes
      • All attributes
      To assign suggested URIs to attributes, you must first enter a default namespace on the General page of the Attribute and Link Mapping window. You can edit suggested URIs after they are entered.
  6. Click OK or Apply to save the attribute mapping.

What to do next

After you create or edit URI mappings and you are ready to make the mappings available to the external applications, publish your updates on the General page of the Attribute and Link Mapping window. Publishing updates might require a full reload of data in external applications. Therefore, you should aggregate your mapping changes and apply them in batches, if possible, to minimize the number of publishing events.


When you change attribute mappings, those changes affect the OSLC representation of resources that contain matching attributes. Consuming applications view mapping changes as data modifications and might need to reload all of the relevant resources. The amount of time it takes to reload changes depends on the number of resources that are affected. Publish updates with care.

If you add or modify the mapping for an attribute in a module that is included in the working set, you must update the working set. For example, if you modify a mapping for an attribute that IBM Engineering Lifecycle Optimization Engineering Insights consumes, update the working set to ensure that the attributes are displayed in IBM Engineering Lifecycle Optimization Engineering Insights. After you publish the mapping of an attribute, remove the module from the working set and apply the changes. Then, add the module back into the working set and apply the changes.