Creating ReqIF definitions

Requirements Interchange Format definitions are composed of one or more formal modules, a view of the data in each module, and the locks to apply to the data when the definition is exported.

Before you begin

You must have the power to partition data, and modify access to the project.


  1. In the database explorer, select the project where you want to create a definition, and then click File > Properties.
  2. Click the ReqIF Definitions tab, and then click New.
  3. Type a name and optionally a description for the definition, and click OK.
  4. In the file explorer, select the first module to add to the definition.
    The Add ReqIF Definition window opens.
  5. In the Options pane, select the version of the module to include from the Module Version list.
  6. Select the data to lock locally when the definition is exported. The user in the remote database can edit that data, and can send their updates back to you.
    For information on locks, see ReqIF locks on local data.
  7. In the Include data in view list, select the view that displays the data that you want to export.

    If you have selected either Lock objects or Lock attributes, you must select a second view in the Apply locks to objects in view field.

    Note: If you selected Lock attributes, then the label changes to Apply locks to attributes in view.

    This view displays the objects or attributes that you want to be editable in the exported data.

  8. Click Add or Update Module to add the module to the ReqIF definition.
    Note: Picture objects are not included in a definition.
    Continue adding modules until your definition is complete.
  9. Click OK.