Known issues

Review the issues with workarounds and limitations at the time of 7.0.3 release. For updates on these issues, see interim fix readme documents or IBM® Engineering Lifecycle Management documentation.


The following issues in this release have workarounds.

ID Description

Timeouts or slow performance when delivering many change sets from one stream to another

First occurrence: 7.0.2

Problem: When delivering many change sets, such as 60,000 or more from one stream to another, the system can take a long time to respond or timeout.

Workaround: Use the Custom deliver option to select change sets to deliver, then choose to deliver a smaller number of change sets. Repeat this step until you have delivered all change sets that you need to deliver.


Additional steps related to link validity data migration can be skipped during the migration.

First occurrence: 7.0

Problem: When you migrate from version 6.x to version 7.x, the Interactive User Guide lists additional steps that need to be performed to preserve link validity assertions involving RM requirements. If you have link validity data, these additional steps need to be completed to ensure the link validity assertions are preserved. However, if there are no link validity assertions involving the RM requirements, you can complete the upgrade without performing the additional steps. Check that there are no link validity assertions. Skipping the link validity migration when there are link validity assertions causes all such validity assertions to return to the suspect status in the user interface. You can confirm there are no link validity assertions by running the rm-repotools rmExportLinkValidity repotools command to export the link validity data from JTS. If the system generates a CSV file with no rows that contain the URL of the RM server that is being upgraded, you can complete the additional steps in the Workaround section to skip the link validity migration.

Run the rmExportLinkValidity command to verify that there are no link validity assertions.

If you are not sure whether there are any link validity assertions involving any of the RM requirements, you can run the following repotools command against the JTS server. For example, on Windows, enter the following command: repotools-rm.bat -rmExportLinkValidity repositoryURL=https://host_name:port/jtsadminUserId=admin_user_id adminPassword=admin_passwordFor Linux, enter the following command: -rmExportLinkValidity repositoryURL=https://host_name:port/jtsadminUserId=admin_user_id adminPassword=admin_password.
Note: If you have multiple JTS servers, replace the example JTS server URL, https://host_name:port/jts, with the value of the advanced admin property, Shared Validity Provider URL, that is specified in the JTS server that RM is registered with. If no URL is defined, use the URL of the JTS server that the RM application is registered with. If you use only one JTS server, specify the URL of that server. Ensure that the JTS server is upgraded to version 7.x and is running before invoking the command.The command logs in to the JTS server by using the credentials provided in the adminUserId and adminPassword arguments. Ensure that the credentials you provide identify a JazzAdmin.

Check the rmLinkValidityToFile.csv file that is generated and search for the fronting URL of the RM server in the file. For example, if the fronting URL is, search for that text in the file. If there are no search results, then there are no link validity assertions made for the RM server and it is safe to perform the steps given in the Workaround section.

Workaround: If there are no link validity assertions involving RM requirements as determined in Run the rmExportLinkValidityData command to verify that there are no link validity assertions section, follow the steps provided in.Repository tools command to export the Requirements Management application link validity data during migration


Attempting to open a new row for editing in a module might lead to a row being added that doesn't permit editing

First occurrence: 7.0.2

Problem: Within a module, if you open a new row by using the Ctrl+Enter (or Cmd+Enter on a Mac) command or use the Insert New Artifact option in the edit menu, the end result might be thatthe new row opens but does not permit editing.When this occurs, the newly added row is displayed without an ID and the content cell does not show with an opened editor.

Workaround: To resolve this issue, reset the local storage clipboard data for adding a new row in a module. Complete the following steps:
  • Refresh the page and select any row in the module.
  • Use Ctrl+C (Cmd+C on a Mac) or select Copy Artifact from the edit menu of the row.

Collections are compared as the same across configurations when there are out of order deliveries to the members of the collection

First occurrence: 6.0.0

Problem: When you compare two configurations, collections that involve out of order deliveries might not be listed in the comparison view, even when their content is different. This gives a false impression that the content of the collections is the same across the configurations. This is because of an undesired side effect of the current design, wherein the source and target configurations have the same version of the collection after an out of order delivery. Workaround No workaround is available from the comparisons view. Compare the collections manually by opening the collections in side by side windows, and change the current configuration in the banner to source and target configuration.


Comments widget on a personal dashboard displays an incorrect label for the Configuration setting

First occurrence: 6.0.1

Problem: If a personal dashboard is migrated from version 6.0 or an earlier release to version 6.0.1 or later, and it contains a Comments widget for a project that is enabled for configuration management, the label for the Configuration setting is displayed as $viewlet.prefs.configuration instead of Configuration.

Workaround: Delete the Comments widget from the personal dashboard and then add it again.

122797 Cross-server link target titles are not shown on the Changed Resources tab and in the Audit History view First occurrence 6.0.6 Problem When you view cross-server links on the Changed Resources tab or in the Audit History view, the titles of the targets are not shown. Workaround To see the title, navigate to the target of the link. Related information Work Item 122042

Cross-server linking cannot identify link type URIs on other servers

First occurrence: 6.0.6

Problem: When you create a cross-server link, any local link types that can be used for cross-server linking are available. Currently, the client cannot identify which link type URIs are available on other servers, which means that you can create a link that does not have a matching URI on the other server and cannot be seen on that server until you create the matching URI.

Workaround: Ensure that all link types with URIs have a matching URI for all cross-server components.


Delivering a large number of change sets might take a long time

First occurrence: 6.0.4

Problem: When you deliver a very large number of change sets (typically over 100,000), the client can take a long time to marshal the selected change sets. This delay occurs after the first step in the wizard, when you select the change sets to deliver. Workaround Deliver the change sets between streams in smaller sets.


Diagram shapes are not highlighted for incoming cross-server links

First occurrence: 6.0.6

Problem: When you click links in the Links section of a diagram, the related linked shape is highlighted. This function does not work for incoming cross-server links.

Workaround: To link to diagram shapes, use outgoing cross-server links.


Download button is disabled when downloading a ReqIF file from a baseline

First occurrence: 7.0

Problem: If you create and export a ReqIF file from a definition in a baseline, the export function appears to successful but the Download button is disabled and the ReqIF file cannot be downloaded. In version 7.0, the ReqIF metadata is a part of the baseline and cannot be amended.

Workaround: To resolve this issue, complete the following steps:
  1. Download the existing ReqIF file that is created before the baseline is created.
  2. Create a ReqIF file from the definitions that you want to be available in the baseline immediately before you create the baseline.
  3. In a configuration management enabled project, you can create a stream from the baseline, and then create the new ReqIF file from the definition in that stream.
  4. Open the Stream Editor by selecting the Baseline link in the Configuration menu.
  5. Click Create Stream to create a stream from the baseline.
  6. Navigate to the stream and select the ReqIF Component Properties tab.
  7. Click Export. The ReqIF file is available for download when you select the Download button.

Drag and drop linking does not work when a changeset is required in the target component

First occurrence: 7.0.2

Problem: You are unable to create links using drag-and-drop if change sets are required in the target component.

Workaround: You can create links using the Add Link option to artifact dialog.


During an upgrade, the CRJAZ0554I timeout error might occur

First occurrence: 6.0

Problem: During an upgrade, you might receive the following error, which indicates a timeout issue: CRJAZ0554I Unable to get the necessary lock in 30000 milliseconds.

Workaround: Complete one or both of the following workarounds:
  • Increase the timeout value to 60 seconds. In either the Advanced Properties or the file, set the following property:
  • Rebuild the database indexes by running the -rebuildIndices command.

During the CSV import process, artifacts that were partially removed cannot be reinserted into a module

First occurrence: 6.0.1

Problem: When you import CSV files, you cannot reinsert an artifact into a module if the artifact was partially removed; that is, the base artifact reference still exists in the project. The import process is only intended for creating new entries or for updating attributes for an artifact that is already part of the module. Workaround To reinsert an artifact into a module, use the artifact grid in the web client.


Error message is displayed when delivering large change sets

First occurrence: 6.0.1

Problem: When you deliver a module containing large number of artifacts (approximately 20000) to a parent stream, the web browser is unable to handle the module structure and a generic error message is displayed.

Workaround: Use the Express delivery option to deliver the change sets.


Errors are displayed during TRS rebase operations if timeouts occur

First occurrence: 6.0.1

Problem: If you perform a Tracked Resource Set (TRS) 1.0 or TRS 2.0 rebase operation on a large Engineering Requirements Management DOORS Next repository, you might receive an error stating that the rebase operation could not be completed successfully. The error does not always mean that the rebase operation failed. In some cases, the error is caused by a timeout.

Workaround: To examine the actual status of a rebase operation, go to the TRS management page, scroll to the Tracked Resource Sets Status section, and click Status Refresh to update the status of the operation.


Existing views might be formatted differently after migrating to version 7.0.1

First occurrence: 7.0.1

Problem: In earlier versions, if the existing views with the link column traceability attributes are formatted to display the attributes as values only, then the attribute values are displayed in a single line. After you migrate to version 7.0.1, these attribute values are displayed as one value per line. This is due to the Show one attribute per line option that is added in this release.

To format the views correctly, complete these steps:
  1. Open an existing view.
  2. Click Configure Page Settings and then click Configure Columns to display. The Change Column Display Settings window opens.
  3. Add the Link To attributes and select the link under Columns to show.
  4. Select Format.

Filtering large numbers of artifacts across CLM products might be slow or time out

First occurrence: 6.0.5

Problem: If you filter data that involves other CLM products and that includes a large number of artifacts, the query might be slow or time out. This issue is more likely to happen when a large number of artifacts is filtered to a very small result set, such as fewer than 25 rows.

Workaround: If the filter times out, first increase the grid view Rows Per Page setting:
  1. From the grid's Configure Page Settings drop-down menu, select Show 25 Rows Per Page.
  2. Change this value to 200 rows. If you still experience timeouts, increase the query timeout setting:
    • Open /rm/admin and select Advanced Properties in the left sidebar.
    • Locate the query.client.timeout setting and increase it to 2 minutes.

Importing custom-encrypted Word documents can lead to an out of memory error

First occurrence: 7.0.2

Problem When a user tries to import an encrypted Word document that was encrypted in a manner outside of the standard password-protection feature that Word provides, the DOORS Next server can consume a large amount of memory that results in an OutOfMemoryException. The server then becomes unresponsive. Workaround Decrypt Word documents prior to importing them.


Importing large or complex word documents might take a long time

First occurrence: 4.0.5

Problem: When you import large or complex Word documents, the import process might take a long time. The resulting folder or module might load slowly and be difficult to navigate. This happens because of the size and complexity that is involved in handling the Word documents. DOORS Next processes just a single Word import operation at a time to prevent concurrent imports from compromising server stability by consuming too much memory or processing time. If an import request takes a long time, other import operations get blocked. This is a limitation based on the design of the product. This is applicable for both import wizards: Import requirements from within a text document and Import a text document and convert to a rich text artifact. Importing a Word document into a folder or module as multiple artifacts by using the Import requirements from within a text document wizard might take longer and consume more resources. Also, importing a Word document as a single rich text artifact might also be affected due to large and complex documents. For example, if the document is large and complex, the result of the import might be difficult to view and edit in the rich text editor.

Workaround To reduce the import time, use one of the following options:
  • Split the Word document that produces more than 10,000 artifacts into multiple documents before saving the results. The resulting module or folder should not contain more than 10,000 artifacts. Otherwise, the import might take more time, and the pages might load more slowly when browsing the module or folder. Each non-empty paragraph creates at least one artifact. If you use delimiters and keywords, the paragraphs might create more artifacts. In that case, you can split the document more. OLE objects, shapes, and other graphical content can also have an impact on the import time. You can split the documents that contain such content to reduce the import time. Before saving the results, preview the results to confirm that the number of artifacts that will be created is not too large.
  • If your document has a large number of section breaks, the import time might take longer. It is advised to split the document into further chunks before the import. Alternately, you can also enable an admin property to merge all the document sections in one section. When the documents are merged, the headers and footers of only the first section are used and remaining headers and footers are lost. To merge the content in the document into the first section, complete these steps:
    1. Navigate to Advanced Properties under the Configuration section.
    2. Search the WordImport.MergeSections property.
    3. Set the property value as true and click Save.
    4. If a Word document with a large number of section breaks is being processed, you might need to restart the server. This option affects all word import operations.

Large change set deliveries on Db2 databases might fail with an SQL error

First occurrence: 6.0

Problem: Delivering a change set with over 45,000 items can fill the Db2 database transaction log space, and cause the delivery to fail with an SQL error. The following SQL error codes are logged in the Requirements Management (RM) server rm.log file: Error: SQLCODE=-1476, SQLSTATE=40506, SQLERRMC=-964. The default Db2 transaction log space is sufficient for change sets with 45,000 items, but log space must be increased for larger change sets.

Workaround: Complete these steps to double the size allowance for change sets:
  1. Stop the RM server.
  2. Increase the database LOGPRIMARY setting to 40.
  3. Increase the database LOGSECONDARY setting to 40.
  4. Restart the DB2 server.
  5. Start the RM server.

Links between artifacts in DOORS 9 and DOORS® Next do not work as expected when configuration management is enabled

First occurrence: 6.0

Problem: When configuration management is enabled in DOORS Next 6.0, links to artifacts in DOORS 9 do not work as expected because DOORS does not support configurations.

Workaround: Instead of linking, use Requirements Interchange Format (ReqIF) to transfer DOORS 9 requirements into specific DOORS Next streams.


Page Up and Page Down keys do not work properly when you edit an artifact in Mozilla Firefox

First occurrence: 6.0

Problem: In Mozilla Firefox, when you inline edit artifact content in a module, the Page Up and Page Down keys do not work. When you edit artifact content in the full text editor, Page Up will page to the top of the document and Page Down will page to the bottom of the document.

Workaround: Use these techniques to move the cursor:

  • Use the Up Arrow and Down Arrow keys to move up or down.
  • While in-line editing, press Ctrl+Home and Ctrl+End to move to the beginning or end of the text.

The Alt+e keyboard shortcut does not insert the euro sign in the Module editor

First occurrence: 6.0

Problem: When you edit artifacts in the Module editor, typing the Alt+e keyboard shortcut opens the Add Existing Artifact dialog box instead of inserting the euro sign into the rich text.

Workaround: To insert the euro sign, hold the Alt key and type 0128 on the numeric keypad.


Unable to create, delete, or edit DOORS Next to ETM links from a DOORS Next stream without a change set/when in a baseline

First occurrence: 6.0.5

Problem: When in DOORS Next in the context of a baseline or in a stream where change sets are required, it is not possible to create, edit, or delete links to Enterprise Test Management test plans or test cases.

Workaround: Create the links from inside ETM rather than DOORS Next


You cannot import requirements if their embedded resources are on a different server

First occurrence: 6.0.6

Problem: For security reasons, you cannot export requirements if they have embedded resources from a different server. You can export only the embedded resources that are on the local system, such as sketches, storyboards, or diagrams.

Workaround: To export requirements with embedded resources, create the embedded elements on the local system before you export them.When you import requirements with embedded resources that are on a different server, the embedded elements resolve only if the user is logged in to the server that contains the embedded resources.


Migration from version 6.x to version 7.x fails with an error message: No link validity content applicable to current DN server

First occurrence: 7.0.1

Problem: When you migrate to version 7.x, you might encounter problems during the migration. One of the indications of the problem is that the following error message is present in the repotools_rm_upgrade.log file: 2020-04-29 09:40:33,882 [] [] main No link validity content applicable to current DN server. Another indication is that the following exception message is present in the repotools -rm_addTables.log file: “2020-04-29 09:40:33,900 CRJAZ0683I An error occurred during the post-import handler for the "" namespace. Error fetching link validity data (phase 2). Migration ending. This issue might be caused due to one of the following reasons:
  • A wrong JTS server is specified as the link validity provider.
  • Design limitations that are related to how link validity detects errors.
Workaround: To resolve the migration issue, complete the steps that are given in the following cases:
  • Case 1: Migration fails if an incorrect JTS server URL is specified in the upgrade commands
  • Case 2: Migration process is done correctly but fails with the error messages mentioned in the Problem section
Note: Verify Case 1 by checking that the correct JTS server URL is specified. As per design, if you directly proceed to Case 2 and skip the link validity migration, you cannot restore any potential link validity assertions after the migration.
Case 1: Migration fails if an incorrect JTS server URL is specified in the upgrade commandsWhen you upgrade the RM server by using the (rm_upgrade) wrapper script, you need to specify the “jtsRepositoryUrl” argument in the upgrade command. Ensure that you specify the correct JTS server for this argument. For more information related to identifying the correct JTS server, see the Choosing the correct JTS server for the upgrade commands section.You might see a similar migration issue when you run a manual upgrade and execute the repotools commands directly. In this case, you need to specify the correct JTS server for the rmExportLinkValidity and rmImportLinkValidity repotools-rm commands. In these commands, specify the “repositoryURL” argument properly. If the issue does not get resolved, then follow the steps that are provided in Case 2.
Note: If you specified a wrong JTS server URL and the RM addTables command is executed during migration, revert your RM database tables and complete the migration process again. If the addTables command is executed, a file name similar to repotools-rm_addTables.log is created and the file has log entries that are related to the current migration.

Case 2: Migration process is done correctly but fails with the error message mentioned in the Problem section. The migration process is done correctly and the correct JTS server and repotools commands are used. However, the process still fails with the same error message. This happens when the RM server has at least one component with link validity enabled but there are no link validity assertions made against any requirements on the RM server.As per design, the command cannot differentiate between the case where the wrong JTS server is used or the case where no link validity assertions exist. You can skip the link validity migration and resolve the issue by following the steps that are provided at: Verify that there are no link validity assertions involving RM requirements. Execute the rmExportLinkValidity repotools command against the JTS server. For example, on Windows, enter the following command: repotools-rm.bat -rmExportLinkValidity repositoryURL=https://host_name:port/jtsadminUserId=admin_user_id adminPassword=admin_password. For Linux, enter the following command: -rmExportLinkValidity repositoryURL=https://host_name:port/jtsadminUserId=admin_user_id adminPassword=admin_password. For more information related to identifying the correct JTS server, see the Choosing the correct JTS server for the upgrade commands section. Substitute the JTS server URL in place of https://host_name:port/jts. The command logs in to the JTS server by using the credentials that are provided in the adminUserId and adminPassword arguments. Open the rmLinkValidityToFile.csv file that is generated and search for the fronting URL of the RM server. For example, if the fronting URL is, search for that text in the file. If there are no search results, complete the steps that are given in Case 2.

Choosing the correct JTS server for the upgrade commands. If you have a single JTS server, you can use that JTS server URL. If you have multiple JTS servers, use the JTS server URL identified by the advanced admin property called Shared Validity Provider URL. This property is specified in the JTS server that RM is registered with. If no URL is defined for the property, then use the URL of the JTS server that the RM application is registered with. Ensure that this JTS server is upgraded to version 7.x and is running for the commands to run properly.


Anchor point connections cannot be changed by using keyboard shortcuts on a Turkish Q keyboard

First occurrence: 6.0

Problem: In a diagram, you can change the anchor point connections for a shape by using the keyboard. The following keyboard shortcuts are used for these actions: Ctrl+/ and Ctrl+\. A Turkish Q keyboard does not have the forward slash (/) and backslash (\) keys. Although you can create these characters by using Shift+7 and AltGr+* respectively, these key combinations do not work to change the anchor point connections

Workaround: On a Turkish Q keyboard, use Ctrl+ö and Ctrl+ç to change anchor point connections in a diagram.


The following issues in this release do not have workarounds.

ID Description

A module template's duplication policy is shared across its templates

First occurrence: 5.0

Problem: f you create multiple templates on the same module with a different duplication policy, the duplication policy of all of the module’s templates will be changed to the duplication policy of the last template that you created or modified for that module. This is because the duplication policy is stored as a property of the module and not the module template.


Artifacts with only review comments are not included when you sort the Comments column

First occurrence: 6.0.4

Problem: This behavior occurs only in projects that are not enabled for configuration management. When you sort the Comments column to display artifacts with comments, artifacts that have only review comments are not sorted in the correct order. Only comments other than review comments are sorted as expected.


Audit history related to deleted comments is missing or incorrect after upgrading to the version 7.0

First occurrence: 7.0

Problem: If an artifact has comments, which were deleted in version 6.x, some entries in the audit history might be missing after you upgrade the repository to the version 7.0. The audit history shows that the comment was deleted, but it might not show a comment change before the delete.


Browser zoom in or out support

First occurrence: 6.0.6

Problem: You can set the zoom level of the browser by using the zoom in and zoom out feature. Adjusting the zoom level out will generally work, but in some instances the page's layout might not be maintained properly. Adjusting the zoom level in is supported to 200%.


Comparison report does not display multiple entries of change sets if you edit a specific artifact several times

First occurrence: 7.0.2

Problem: The change sets that are included in the comparison report are the ones used for the comparison. If you change an artifact, type, or folder several times, the last change set is the only one that is included in the list of change sets.


Configuration Administrator role is displayed instead of Configuration Lead role in configuration management enabled project areas

First occurrence: 6.0.6

Problem: After you upgrade DOORS Next and try to add members in configuration management enabled project areas, the Configuration Administrator role is displayed instead of the Configuration Lead role. This is likely to happen because of the upgrade process.


Content that is saved as a file cannot be exported to and imported from CSV and Microsoft Excel files

First occurrence: 6.0.6

Problem: If you try to export content that is saved as a file, such as a PDF file, to a CSV or Microsoft Excel file, the exported file contains an empty row that specifies the artifact is there, but has no content because that format is not supported. Because the content is not exported correctly, it cannot be imported from the CSV or Microsoft Excel file either.


Cross-project linking between module bindings in non-configuration enabled project baselines are not visible

First occurrence: 7.0

Problem: In a non-configuration enabled project baseline, the artifacts at the other end of cross-project links are not visible. This happens as there is no global configuration context in which to find the artifacts.


Embedded images, artifacts, and content is not visible if it is imported into a project or component where it does not exist

First occurrence: 6.0.5

Problem: If you try to import embedded artifacts, images, and content that is not part of the configuration for the project or component where the import process is being executed, those items are not visible in the current configuration, and the following message is displayed: The resource for this embedded image no longer exists or is not visible in the given configuration.


Exporting modules into CSV or Microsoft Excel files only exports module artifacts

First occurrence: 6.0.4

Problem: When you export modules from a module view or from only a module structure, the export process does not include base artifact information. In the context of a module, the export options are intended only for module artifacts or bindings.To export artifact information into a CSV or Microsoft Excel file, you must export directly from a folder where the target is located.


Incoming cross-server links are not created for imported files

First occurrence: 6.0.6

Problem: When you import a file, any incoming cross-server links are not created.


Link validity decorations are not displayed in an artifact grid for references links

First occurrence: 7.0

Problem: Link validity decorations are not displayed in an artifact grid of a baseline for references links. This happens as there is no global configuration in which to fetch artifacts at the other end of the link.


Link validity returning to a previous state maintains validity assertions for RM but not for other applications

First occurrence: 7.0

Problem: In a global configuration enabled project, if you enable link validity between artifacts in two RM projects and assert the validity, any change between the artifacts changes the validity state to suspect. If you undo the change, link validity assertions of previous state are maintained. This is because the state of an artifact in DOORS Next is based on its content.

If you use global configuration and enable link validity between an artifact in RM and a test case in QM and change the title of the test case, link validity state changes. If you undo the changes, the test case reverts to a previous state and the validity assertions are not maintained as the validity here is based on the etag, which changes with each edit regardless of the content.


Link validity summary is not visible for baselines for DM or RM links

First occurrence: 7.0

Problem: When you use link validity in non-configuration enabled project and in DOORS Next baseline, work items or resources that are stored in other applications are not visible to the DOORS Next baseline.


Microsoft Visio VDX and VSDX file formats have limited or no support for uploaded file previews

First occurrence: 6.0.1

Problem: The Microsoft Visio file formats that are XML-based, such as VDX and VSDX, lack support for uploaded file previews. For example, the VDX format has no support for file previews. A possible workaround is to convert the file to a different, older Visio format such as VSD. VSDX files have limited support for file previews; they cannot be rendered as thumbnail images. This means that a preview is not available when embedding the file as an artifact, when performing rich hover, when viewing it in a module, or from reports on that artifact. The only support for VSDX files is for viewing the artifact in full-screen mode or directly opening the artifact in Microsoft Internet Explorer with the Visio plug-in installed.

Starting with the version 7.0.1, support for Microsoft Internet Explorer is removed. As a result, the Microsoft Visio file formats that are XML-based, such as VDX and VSDX, lack support for uploaded file previews. For example, the VSDX format has no support for file previews. A possible workaround is to convert the file to an older Visio file format such as VSD. The Microsoft Visio Compatibility Pack provides a command-line tool that can be used for conversion


No message is displayed when you try to create incoming cross-server links that already exist

First occurrence: 6.0.6

Problem: If you try to create an incoming cross-server link that already exists, the action fails but no explanation is provided.


On large modules with lots of audit history, the initial load and each subsequent page change take a long time (2.3 minutes per page)

First occurrence: 6.0.6

Problem: On large modules with lot of audit history, the changes to initial load and each subsequent page take a long time (2.3 minutes per page). Related information 124766: audit history performance - on large modules with lots of audit history, the initial load and each subsequent page change take a long time (2.3 minutes per page) and no information appears to be cached.


Poor performance immediately after RM server is restarted

First occurrence: 7.0.2

Problem: Immediately after the RM server is restarted, performance might be poor until the application has fully populated all its caches.


Quick Search results do not correctly include artifacts that have a format of Diagram

First occurrence: 6.0

Problem: If you use the Quick Search feature to search for artifacts that contain a specific string, the search results do not correctly include artifacts that have a format of Diagram. Search strings that are part of the first or last word of a plain text label or search strings that are part of a rich text label are not found.


Symbols or special characters are not displayed in reports

First occurrence: 6.0.2

Problem: When you create reports for rich text artifacts that include symbols or special characters, the symbols or special characters might not be displayed in the report if the reporting font does not support them.


System-generated change sets are not included as module dependencies in migrated data

First occurrence: 7.0

Problem: In version 7.0, all prior changes to a module will be included as dependencies when delivering a change set with edits to that module. However, system-generated change sets that have been migrated from previous releases will not be included as dependencies, if those change sets contain only structural modifications.


Team Area members that have a role with baseline creation permission does not have 'Create Baseline' option enabled

First occurrence: 7.0

Problem: A member of a team area that has a role with the permissions to 'Manage Baselines' enabled, and is not a member of the Project Area that does not have the 'Create Baseline' option available. To avoid any confusion, CM related permissions related to stream, baseline, and change set should not be inherited into team area permissions.


Text searches do not support queries that include certain characters

First occurrence: 4.0.2

Problem: When you search for text by using a quick search, full-text search, or term lookup operation, the search results might be inconsistent if the query includes one of the following characters:( ) { } [ ] « » / : ; * ? ! _ – ” <> | & . , ‘ “This limitation is caused by the way that the Jazz® Team Server search facility handles special characters.


The Review Comments column is not displayed in printed module reports

First occurrence: 6.0.4

Problem: If you create a report for a module in a table format and the report includes the Review Comments column, that column is not displayed when you print the module report. The column is excluded because the printed version does not show the correct information.