RM as an OSLC service provider

The Requirements Management (RM) application in the IBM® Engineering Lifecycle Management (Engineering Lifecycle Management) provides user interface (UI) elements and operations to applications that consume services from the RM domain for data sharing.

UI elements that RM provides

The RM application provides the following UI elements for other products to consume in compliance with the RM domain specifications V1 and V2:
  • Delegated UI dialog box for the selection of requirement resources
  • Delegated UI dialog box for the selection of requirement collection resources (views)
  • Delegated UI dialog box for the creation of requirement resources
  • UI previews (compact rendering, rich hover) at displayed links to requirement resources
  • UI previews (compact rendering, rich hover) at displayed links to requirement collection resources
  • Factory resource for the programmatic creation of requirement resources

OSLC operations that RM provides

The following table lists the operations that RM provides in compliance with the indicated RM domain specifications.
Table 1. OSLC operations that the RM application provides as an RM provider
Operation RM V1 RM V2 Oasis Working Draft
Service Discovery Yes Yes  
POST for requirement creation Yes Yes  
GET on a Requirement Yes Yes  
GET on a Requirement Collection Yes Yes  
Resource Shape No Yes  
QUERY on Requirement and Requirement Collection No Yes  
QUERY on OSLC links No Yes  
POST for baseline creation     Yes
GET for baselines and streams     Yes
Note: For information about configuration management operations, refer to the Oasis Working Draft.
  • The POST operation creates a requirement as the first artifact in a requirements collection. POST is not available at the database level of the service discovery tree.
  • RM internal links are not included in the results of the V1 GET operation.
  • RM external links are not included in the results of the V1 GET operation.
  • RM internal outgoing links are included in the results of the V2 GET operation.
  • RM external links are included in results for the V2 GET operation.

Modules that are located within a collection are not available to OSLC consumers through a GET operation. An attempt to add a module to a collection through a PUT operation will fail.

For basic instructions for using OSLC in RM, see the article Using OSLC capabilities for requirements management on Jazz®.net.
Note: Content on Jazz.net is a development site that is governed by the Jazz.net Terms of Use and is provided as-is without warranties of any kind.
For more information about the OSLC RM implementation in Engineering Lifecycle Management and other products that are based on Jazz technology, see the Open Services for Lifecycle Collaboration Workshop in the Library on the Jazz Community Site. The workshop includes instructions and examples for the following RM topics:
  • Introduction to the OSLC RM API
  • Accessing OSLC RM APIs programmatically

For information about developing OSLC-compliant Eclipse applications, see the Eclipse Lyo web site.

For information about enabling links between RM and other Engineering Lifecycle Management applications and other RM tools, see Linking to development, design, test, and requirement artifacts.

For information about configuring the integration with IBM Engineering Requirements Management DOORS® , see Integrating the Requirements Management application and DOORS.