Deploying Publishing Document Builder on WebSphere Application Server

Publishing Document Builder is available as a enterprise application or a bundle of two web applications: rpeng.war and dgaas.war.

You must choose one of the following deployment options:
For a stand-alone WebSphere Application Server, deploy the single enterprise application
For details, see Deploying Publishing Document Builder on a stand-alone WebSphere Application Server.
For a stand-alone WebSphere Application Server, deploy both the rpeng.war and dgaas.war web applications
You can deploy rpeng.war and dgaas.war on separate profiles on a stand-alone WebSphere Application Server. The advantage of this deployment scenario over deploying the on a stand-alone WebSphere Application Server is that you can assign different heap size for each profile. To deploy rpeng.war and dgaas.war on separate profiles on a stand-alone WebSphere Application Server, you can following the same instructions for deploying rpeng.war and dgaas.war on distributed server as long as you define the DGAAS_URL setting:
For a distributed WebSphere Application Server, deploy the rpeng.war and dgaas.war web applications on separate servers
If one server is more powerful than the other, deploy dgaas.war on the more powerful server and deploy rpeng.war on the other server. This deployment option and configuration is designed to improve performance and scalability. For details, see the following topics:
Note: If you are deploying Publishing Document Builder along with IBM Engineering Lifecycle Management, Publishing Document Builder must be deployed on a separate application server profile from ELM. See this technote for details: