Exporting to Microsoft Excel

You can export the data in your current view to Microsoft Excel.

Before you begin

Save the module so that the data you export includes any recent changes.

If you are running Rational® DOORS® through Citrix, Excel must also be running through Citrix or the export fails.

About this task

Columns other than the main column are always exported. You can control whether you export the main column, and if so, which of its attributes you export. The maximum number of columns you can export to Excel is 128.
Note: When you export to Excel, rich text formatting and special characters are not preserved. If you want to preserve rich text formatting, export to a Microsoft Word table, and then copy and paste the Word table into Excel.


  1. Click File > Export > Microsoft Office > Excel.
    The Export Excel window opens.
  2. Select the options that you want to apply to the export.
    For more information about the export options, click Help in this Export Excel window.
  3. Click Export.
    The exported content opens in Microsoft Excel.