get file

Extracts the content of a specific version of a file from the repository to a location on disk.


get fi

Usage: scm get file [-r/--repository-uri <arg>] [-u/--username <arg> -P/--password <arg> | -u/--username <arg> --password-file <arg> | --certificate <arg> -P/--password <arg> | --smartCard -u/--username <arg> | --kerberos | --integratedWindows] [-o/--overwrite] (-b/--baseline <baseline> | -w/--workspace <workspace> | -s/--snapshot <snapshot> | <item>) [-c/--component <arg>] [-f/--filepath <arg>] [state] [path-on-disk]

item The item ID of the item to extract. Only the UUID format is supported.
state The state ID or version ID of the item to extract. This is optional when specifying a baseline, workspace, snapshot, or local path.
path-on-disk The path where the extracted content must be loaded. The path can be a absolute path or a relative path from the current working directory.


-r, --repository-uri <arg> The URI that specifies the location of the repository.
-u, --username <arg> The user name for the repository.
-P, --password <arg> The password for the repository.
    --password-file <arg> File that contains the user's password.
    --certificate <arg> The file that contains the user's login certificate.
    --smartCard Use the connected smart card for authentication.
    --kerberos Authenticate with Windows user credentials using Kerberos/SPNeGO.
    --integratedWindows Authenticate with Windows user credentials using Integrated Windows Authentication.
-o, --overwrite Overwrites the existing disk file.
-b, --baseline The baseline (name[@repo], alias, or UUID[@repo]) that contains the file.
-w, --workspace The workspace or stream (name[@repo], alias, or UUID[@repo]) that contains the file.
-s, --snapshot The snapshot (name[@repo], alias, or UUID[@repo]) that contains the file.
-c, --component <arg> The component for which the files are listed. This option must be used with the "-b", "-w", or "-s" options.
-f, --filepath <arg> The file path. This option must be used with the "-b", "-w", or "-s" options.
