Using patterns

Typically, service deployment patterns can be published to the IBM Edge Application Manager (IEAM) hub after a developer published an edge service in the horizon exchange.

The hzn CLI provides capabilities to list and manage patterns in the Horizon exchange, including commands to list, publish, verify, update, and remove service deployment patterns. It also provides a way to list and remove cryptographic keys that are associated with a specific deployment pattern.

For a full list of CLI commands and further details:

hzn exchange pattern -h


Sign and create (or update) a pattern resource in the Horizon exchange:

hzn exchange pattern publish --json-file=JSON-FILE [<flags>]

Using deployment patterns

Using a deployment pattern is a straightforward and simple way to deploy a service to your edge node. You specify the top-level service, or multiple top-level services, to be deployed to your edge node and IEAM handles the rest, including the deployment of any dependent services your top-level service might have.

After you create and add a service to the IEAM exchange, you need to create a pattern.json file, similar to:

  "IBM/pattern-ibm.cpu2evtstreams": {
    "owner": "root/root",
    "label": "Edge ibm.cpu2evtstreams Service Pattern for arm architectures",
    "description": "Pattern for ibm.cpu2evtstreams sending cpu and gps info to the IBM Event Streams",
    "public": true,
    "services": [
        "serviceUrl": "ibm.cpu2evtstreams",
        "serviceOrgid": "IBM",
        "serviceArch": "arm",
        "serviceVersions": [
            "version": "1.4.3",
            "priority": {},
            "upgradePolicy": {}
        "dataVerification": {
          "metering": {}
        "nodeHealth": {
          "missing_heartbeat_interval": 1800,
          "check_agreement_status": 1800
    "agreementProtocols": [
        "name": "Basic"
    "lastUpdated": "2020-10-24T14:46:44.341Z[UTC]"

This code is an example of a pattern.json file for the ibm.cpu2evtstreams service for arm devices. As shown here, there is no need to specify cpu_percent and gps (dependent services of cpu2evtstreams). That task is taken care of by the service_definition.json file, so a successfully registered edge node runs those workloads automatically.

The pattern.json file gives you the ability to customize rollback settings in the serviceVersions section. You can specify multiple older versions of your service and give each version a priority for your edge node to roll back to if there is an error with your new version. In addition to assigning a priority to each rollback version, you can specify things like number and duration of retry attempts before falling back to a lower priority version of the specified service.

You can also set any configuration variables your service might need to correctly function centrally when you publish your deployment pattern by including them in the userInput section near the bottom. When the ibm.cpu2evtstreams service is published, it passes with it the credentials necessary to publish data to IBM Event Streams, which can be done with:

hzn exchange pattern publish -f pattern.json

With the pattern published, you can then register an arm device to it:

hzn register -p pattern-ibm.cpu2evtstreams-arm

This command deploys ibm.cpu2evtstreams and any dependent services to your node.

Note: A userInput.json file is not passed into the hzn register command above, as it would if you were following the steps in Using the CPU To IBM Event Streams Edge Service with Deployment Pattern repository example. Because user inputs were passed with the pattern itself, any edge node that registers automatically has access to those environment variables.

All ibm.cpu2evtstreams workloads can be stopped by unregistering:

hzn unregister -fD