Gather edge node files

Several files are needed to install the IBM Edge Application Manager (IEAM) agent on your edge devices and edge clusters and register them with IEAM. This content guides you through bundling the files that are needed for your edge nodes. Perform these steps on an admin host that is connected to the IEAM management hub.

The following steps assume that you have installed the IBM Cloud Pak CLI (cloudctl) and OpenShift client CLI (oc) commands, and that you are running the steps from within the unpacked installation media directory ibm-eam-4.3.3-bundle. This script searches for the required Horizon packages in the agent/edge-packages-4.3.3.tar.gz file, and creates the necessary edge node configuration and certificate files.

  1. Log in to your management hub cluster with admin credentials and the namespace you installed IEAM in:

    cloudctl login -a <cluster-url> -u <cluster-admin-user> -p <cluster-admin-password> -n <namespace> --skip-ssl-validation
  2. Set the following environment variables:

    export CLUSTER_URL=https://$(oc get cm management-ingress-ibmcloud-cluster-info -o jsonpath='{.data.cluster_ca_domain}')
    oc --insecure-skip-tls-verify=true -n kube-public get secret ibmcloud-cluster-ca-cert -o jsonpath="{\.crt}" | base64 --decode > ieam.crt
    export HZN_MGMT_HUB_CERT_PATH="$PWD/ieam.crt"
    export HZN_FSS_CSSURL=${CLUSTER_URL}/edge-css

    Define the following Docker authentication environment variables, providing your own ENTITLEMENT_KEY:


    Note: Obtain your entitlement key through My IBM Key.

  3. Move into the agent directory where edge-packages-4.3.3.tar.gz is:

    cd agent
  4. There are two preferred ways to gather the files for edge node installation by using the script. Choose one of the following methods based on your needs:

    • Run the script to gather the necessary files and put them in the CSS Cloud Sync Service (CSS) component of the Model Management System (MMS).

      Note: The script was installed as part of the horizon-cli package and should be in your path.

      HZN_EXCHANGE_USER_AUTH='' ALL -c -p edge-packages-4.3.3 -r

      On each edge node use the -i 'css:' flag of to have it get the needed files from CSS.

      Note: If you plan to use SDO-enabled edge devices, you must run this form of the command.

    • Alternatively, use to bundle the files in a tar file: ALL -t -p edge-packages-4.3.3 -r

      Copy the tar file to each edge node and use the -z flag of to get the needed files from tar file.

      If you have not already installed the horizon-cli package on this host, do that now. See Post installation configuration for an example of this process.

      Locate the and scripts that were installed as part of the horizon-cli package. These scripts are required on each edge node during setup (currently only supports edge clusters):

      • Linux example:
      ls /usr/horizon/bin/agent-{install,uninstall}.sh
      • macOS example:
      ls /usr/local/bin/agent-{install,uninstall}.sh

Note: has more flags to control what files are gathered and where they should be placed. To see all of the available flags, run: -h

What's next

Before edge nodes are set up, you or your node technicians must create an API key and gather other environment variable values. Follow the steps in Creating your API key.