Sizing and system requirements

Sizing considerations

Sizing your cluster involves many considerations. This content describes some of these considerations and provides a best-effort guide to help you size your cluster.

The primary consideration is what services need to run on your cluster. This content provides sizing guidance for the following services only:

Optionally, you can install OpenShift Container Platform cluster logging.

IEAM database considerations

Two supported database configurations impact sizing considerations for the IEAM management hub:

IEAM local database storage requirements

In addition to the always installed Secure Device Onboarding (SDO) component, local databases and secrets manager require persistent storage. This storage uses dynamic storage classes that are configured for your OpenShift cluster.

For more information, see supported dynamic OpenShift storage options and configuration instructions .

You are responsibile for enabling encryption at rest at the time of cluster creation. It can often be included as part of cluster creation on cloud platforms. For more information, see the following documentation .

A main consideration for the type of storage class that is chosen, is whether that storage class supports allowVolumeExpansion. The following returns true if it does:

oc get storageclass <desired storage class> -o json | jq .allowVolumeExpansion

If the storage class allows volume expansion, sizing can be adjusted post installation (given the underlying storage space is available for allocation). If the storage class does not allow volume expansion, you must pre-allocate storage for your use case.

If more storage is necessary after initial installation with a storage class that does not allow for volume expansion, you will need to run through a re-installation by using the steps that are described in the backup and recovery page.

The allocations can be changed before the IEAM Management Hub installation by modifying the Storage values as described on the configuration page. The allocations are set to the following default values:

IEAM remote database considerations

Leveraging your own remote databases reduces the storage class and compute requirements for this installation, unless they are provisioned on the same cluster.

At a minimum, provision Remote databases with the following resources and settings:

Worker node sizing

The services that use Kubernetes compute resources will be scheduled across available worker nodes.

Minimal requirements for the default IEAM configuration

Number of worker nodes vCPUs per worker node Memory per worker node (GB) Local disk storage per worker node (GB)
3 8 32 100

Note: Some customer environments might require additional vCPUs per worker node or additional worker nodes, so more CPU capacity can be allocated to the Exchange component.

Note: For large production environments with 10,000 or more edge devices registered, it is recommended that a large common services configuration is used. This may require additional worker nodes or more vCPUs. The following command can be used to change the common services configuration

    oc patch -n ibm-common-services commonservices common-service --type=merge -p '{"spec": {"size": "large"}}'


After you determine the appropriate sizing for your cluster, you can begin the installation.