Preparing an edge cluster

Perform the following tasks to install an edge cluster and get it ready for the IBM Edge Application Manager agent:

Install one of these edge clusters and prepare it for the IBM Edge Application Manager agent:

Install an OCP edge cluster

  1. Install OCP by following the installation instructions in the OpenShift Container Platform Documentation . (IEAM only supports OCP on x86_64 platforms.)

  2. Install the Kubernetes CLI (kubectl), Openshift client CLI (oc) and Docker on the admin host where you administer your OCP edge cluster. This is the same host where you run the agent installation script. For more information, see Installing cloudctl, kubectl, and oc.

Install and configure a k3s edge cluster

This content provides a summary of how to install k3s (rancher), a lightweight and small Kubernetes cluster, on Ubuntu 18.04. For more information, see the k3s documentation .

Note: If installed, uninstall kubectl before completing the following steps.

  1. Either login as root or elevate to root with sudo -i

  2. The full hostname of your machine must contain at least two dots. Check the full hostname:


    If the full hostname of your machine contains fewer than two dots, change the hostname:

    hostnamectl set-hostname <your-new-hostname-with-2-dots>

    For more information, see github issue .

  3. Install k3s:

    curl -sfL | sh -
  4. Create the image registry service:

    1. Create a file called k3s-persistent-claim.yml with this content:

      apiVersion: v1
      kind: PersistentVolumeClaim
        name: docker-registry-pvc
        storageClassName: "local-path"
          - ReadWriteOnce
            storage: 10Gi
    2. Create the persistent volume claim:

      kubectl apply -f k3s-persistent-claim.yml
    3. Verify that the persistent volume claim was created and it is in "Pending" status

      kubectl get pvc
    4. Create a file called k3s-registry-deployment.yml with this content:

      apiVersion: apps/v1
      kind: Deployment
        name: docker-registry
          app: docker-registry
        replicas: 1
            app: docker-registry
              app: docker-registry
            - name: registry-pvc-storage
                claimName: docker-registry-pvc
            - name: docker-registry
              image: registry
              - containerPort: 5000
              - name: registry-pvc-storage
                mountPath: /var/lib/registry
      apiVersion: v1
      kind: Service
        name: docker-registry-service
          app: docker-registry
        type: NodePort
          - protocol: TCP
            port: 5000
    5. Create the registry deployment and service:

      kubectl apply -f k3s-registry-deployment.yml
    6. Verify that the service was created:

      kubectl get deployment
      kubectl get service
    7. Define the registry endpoint:

      export REGISTRY_ENDPOINT=$(kubectl get service docker-registry-service | grep docker-registry-service | awk '{print $3;}'):5000
      cat << EOF >> /etc/rancher/k3s/registries.yaml
            - "http://$REGISTRY_ENDPOINT"
    8. Restart k3s to pick up the change to /etc/rancher/k3s/registries.yaml:

      systemctl restart k3s
  5. Define this registry to docker as an insecure registry:

    1. Create or add to /etc/docker/daemon.json (replacing <registry-endpoint> with the value of the $REGISTRY_ENDPOINT environment variable you obtained in a previous step).

        "insecure-registries": [ "<registry-endpoint>" ]
    2. (optional) If needed, verify that docker is on your machine:

      curl -fsSL | sh
    3. Restart docker to pick up the change:

      systemctl restart docker

Install and configure a microk8s edge cluster

This content provides a summary of how to install microk8s, a lightweight and small Kubernetes cluster, on Ubuntu 18.04. (For more detailed instructions, see the microk8s documentation.)

Note: This type of edge cluster is meant for development and test because a single worker node Kubernetes cluster does not provide scalability or high availability.

  1. Install microk8s:

    sudo snap install microk8s --classic --channel=stable
  2. If you are not running as root, add your user to the microk8s group:

    sudo usermod -a -G microk8s $USER
    sudo chown -f -R $USER ~/.kube
    su - $USER   # create new session for group update to take place
  3. Enable dns and storage modules in microk8s:

    microk8s.enable dns
    microk8s.enable storage

    Note: Microk8s uses and as upstream name servers by default. If these name servers cannot resolve the management hub hostname, you must change the name servers that microk8s is using:

    1. Retrieve the list of upstream name servers in /etc/resolv.conf or /run/systemd/resolve/resolv.conf.

    2. Edit coredns configmap in the kube-system namespace. Set the upstream nameservers in the forward section.

      microk8s.kubectl edit -n kube-system cm/coredns
    3. For more information about Kubernetes DNS, see the Kubernetes documentation.

  1. Check the status:

    microk8s.status --wait-ready
  2. The microK8s kubectl command is called microk8s.kubectl to prevent conflicts with an already installed kubectl command. Assuming that kubectl is not installed, add this alias for microk8s.kubectl:

    echo 'alias kubectl=microk8s.kubectl' >> ~/.bash_aliases
    source ~/.bash_aliases
  3. Enable the container registry and configure docker to tolerate the insecure registry:

    1. Enable the container registry:

      microk8s.enable registry
      export REGISTRY_ENDPOINT=localhost:32000
      export REGISTRY_IP_ENDPOINT=$(kubectl get service registry -n container-registry | grep registry | awk '{print $3;}'):5000
    2. Install docker (if not already installed):

      curl -fsSL | sudo apt-key add -
      add-apt-repository "deb [arch=amd64] $(lsb_release -cs) stable"
      apt-get install docker-ce docker-ce-cli
    3. Define this registry as insecure to docker. Create or add to /etc/docker/daemon.json by replacing <registry-endpoint> with the $REGISTRY_ENDPOINT environment variable value that you obtained in a previous step. Also, replace <registry-ip-endpoint> with the value of the $REGISTRY_IP_ENDPOINT environment variable value that you obtained in a previous step.

        "insecure-registries": [ "<registry-endpoint>", "<registry-ip-endpoint>" ]
    4. (optional) Verify that docker is on your machine:

      curl -fsSL | sh
    5. Restart docker to pick up the change:

      sudo systemctl restart docker

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