Advanced manual agent installation and registration

This content describes each manual step to install the IBM Edge Application Manager agent on an edge device and register it. For a more automated method, see Automated agent installation and registration.

Installing the agent

Note: For more information about command syntax, see Conventions used in this document.

  1. Obtain the agentInstallFiles-<edge-device-type>.tar.gz file before you continue and the API Key that is created along with this file before continuing this process.

    As a post-configuration step for Installing the management hub, a compressed file was created for you. This file that contains the necessary files to install the Horizon agent on your edge device and register it with the helloworld example.

  2. Copy this file to the edge device with a USB stick, the secure copy command, or another method.

  3. Expand the tar file:

    tar -zxvf agentInstallFiles-<edge-device-type>.tar.gz
  4. Use whichever following section that applies to your type of edge device.

Note: If your Linux is not one of the supported distributions and it supports containers, see Container Agent Installation for instructions about how to use the containerized agent.

Installing the agent on Linux (ARM 32-bit, ARM 64-bit, ppc64le, or x86_64) edge devices or virtual machines

Follow these steps:

  1. Log in, and if you are logged in as a non-root user, switch to a user with root privileges:

    sudo -s
  2. Query the OCI container runtime version to check whether it is recent enough:

    • Docker

      docker --version

      If docker is not installed, or the version is older than 18.06.01, install the most recent version of Docker.

      curl -fsSL | sh
      docker --version
    • Podman (Red Hat Enterprise Linux® or Fedora)

      podman --version

      If podman is not installed, or the version is older than 4.0, install the most recent version of Podman.

      dnf install podman netavark
      podman --version

      Switch the network stack from CNI to Netavark. The Horizon agent requires the network backend to be configured to use netavark instead of cni so that the agent can set up networking scenarios such as dependent services between containers. Follow the steps in the Red Hat documentation switching the network stack chapter.

  3. Install the Horizon packages that you copied to this edge device:

    • For Debian / Ubuntu distributions:

      apt update && apt install ./*horizon*.deb
    • For Red Hat Enterprise Linux® or Fedora distributions:

      yum install ./*horizon*.rpm
  4. Set your specific information as environment variables:

    eval export $(cat agent-install.cfg)
  5. Point your edge device Horizon agent to your IBM Edge Application Manager cluster by populating /etc/default/horizon with the correct information:

    sed -i.bak -e "s|^HZN_EXCHANGE_URL=[^ ]*|HZN_EXCHANGE_URL=${HZN_EXCHANGE_URL}|g" -e "s|^HZN_FSS_CSSURL=[^ ]*|HZN_FSS_CSSURL=${HZN_FSS_CSSURL}|g" /etc/default/horizon
  6. Have the horizon agent trust agent-install.crt:

    if grep -qE '^HZN_MGMT_HUB_CERT_PATH=' /etc/default/horizon; then sed -i.bak -e "s|^HZN_MGMT_HUB_CERT_PATH=[^ ]*|HZN_MGMT_HUB_CERT_PATH=${PWD}/agent-install.crt|" /etc/default/horizon; else echo "HZN_MGMT_HUB_CERT_PATH=${PWD}/agent-install.crt" >> /etc/default/horizon; fi
  7. Restart the agent to pick up the changes to /etc/default/horizon:

    systemctl restart horizon.service
  8. Verify that the agent is running and correctly configured:

    hzn version
    hzn exchange version
    hzn node list

    The output should look similar to this example (version numbers and URLs might be different):

    $ hzn version
    Horizon CLI version: 2.23.29
    Horizon Agent version: 2.23.29
    $ hzn exchange version
    $ hzn node list
          "id": "",
          "organization": null,
          "pattern": null,
          "name": null,
          "token_last_valid_time": "",
          "token_valid": null,
          "ha": null,
          "configstate": {
             "state": "unconfigured",
             "last_update_time": ""
          "configuration": {
             "exchange_api": "",
             "exchange_version": "1.116.0",
             "required_minimum_exchange_version": "1.116.0",
             "preferred_exchange_version": "1.116.0",
             "mms_api": "",
             "architecture": "amd64",
             "horizon_version": "2.23.29"
          "connectivity": {
             "": true,
             "": true
  9. If you previously switched to the privileged shell, exit it now. You do not need root access for the next step of registering your device.

  10. Continue on to Registering the agent.

Installing the agent on a macOS (Intel® only) edge device

  1. Import the horizon-cli package certificate into your macOS keychain:

    sudo security add-trusted-cert -d -r trustRoot -k /Library/Keychains/System.keychain horizon-cli.crt

    Note: You need to complete this step only one time on each macOS machine. With this trusted certificate imported, you can install any future version of the Horizon software.

  2. Install the Horizon CLI package:

    sudo installer -pkg horizon-cli-*.pkg -target /
  3. Enable subcommand name completion for the hzn command, by adding the following to ~/.bashrc:

    source /usr/local/share/horizon/
  4. When you are installing a new device, this step is not necessary. But if you installed and started the Horizon container on this machine previously, stop it now by running:

    horizon-container stop
  5. Set your specific information as environment variables:

    eval export $(cat agent-install.cfg)
  6. Point your edge device Horizon agent to your IBM Edge Application Manager cluster by populating /etc/default/horizon with the correct information:

    sudo mkdir -p /etc/default
    sudo sh -c "cat << EndOfContent > /etc/default/horizon
  7. Start the Horizon agent:

    horizon-container start
  8. Verify that the agent is running and correctly configured:

    hzn version
    hzn exchange version
    hzn node list

    The output should look similar to this (version numbers and URLs might be different):

    $ hzn version
    Horizon CLI version: 2.23.29
    Horizon Agent version: 2.23.29
    $ hzn exchange version
    $ hzn node list
          "id": "",
          "organization": null,
          "pattern": null,
          "name": null,
          "token_last_valid_time": "",
          "token_valid": null,
          "ha": null,
          "configstate": {
             "state": "unconfigured",
             "last_update_time": ""
          "configuration": {
             "exchange_api": "",
             "exchange_version": "1.116.0",
             "required_minimum_exchange_version": "1.116.0",
             "preferred_exchange_version": "1.116.0",
             "mms_api": "",
             "architecture": "amd64",
             "horizon_version": "2.23.29"
          "connectivity": {
             "": true,
             "": true
  9. Continue on to Registering the agent.

Registering the agent

  1. Set your specific information as environment variables:

    eval export $(cat agent-install.cfg)
    export HZN_EXCHANGE_USER_AUTH=iamapikey:<api-key>
  2. View the list of sample edge service deployment patterns:

    hzn exchange pattern list IBM/
  3. The helloworld edge service is the most basic example, which makes it a good place to begin. Register your edge device with Horizon to run the helloworld deployment pattern:

    hzn register -p IBM/pattern-ibm.helloworld

    Note: The node ID shown in the output in the line that starts with Using node ID.

  4. The edge device will make an agreement with one of the Horizon agreement bots (this process typically takes about 15 seconds). Repeatedly query the agreements of this device until the agreement_finalized_time and agreement_execution_start_time fields are complete:

    hzn agreement list
  5. After the agreement is made, list the docker container edge service that started as a result:

    sudo docker ps
  6. View the helloworld edge service output:

    sudo hzn service log -f ibm.helloworld

What to do next

Navigate to CPU usage to IBM Event Streams to continue with other edge service examples.