What's new

This section includes information about new functionality and enhancements included in each release of Data Virtualization Manager version 1.1.0.

If a Data Virtualization Manager feature or enhancement is delivered because of an Authorized Program Analysis Record (APAR), the APAR number is listed when describing the enhancement. IBM product teams publish APARs on IBM Support portal. You can use the APAR record to:
  • Obtain the status of the APAR (open or closed)
  • Track APAR updates (from open to close)
  • Obtain a workaround for the APAR (if available)

Following enhancements are introduced in the Data Virtualization Manager 1.1.0 release. The enhancements are listed in order of availability, beginning with the most recent.

October 2023

Updated PRODSQL parameter group

With the SQLENGDEFERIDXDISC parameter you can defer index discovery for DRDA and DB2 data sources to the first reference. For more information, see SQLENGDEFERIDXDISC and PH57108.

August 2023

64-bit Map

With this enhancement, all the schema maps and all the maps related to the schema are automatically added to a 64-bit storage. By moving the maps from 31-bit to 64-bit storage, Data Virtualization Manager utilizes the additionally available 31-bit storage for processing more requests. This results in executing more RESTful throughput and RESTful requests simultaneously.

As part of this enhancement, the new parameter DMFNOSCHEMA64 is added. This parameter controls whether the virtual tables not defined in a schema should be added to the 64-bit memory.

For more information, see DMFNOSCHEMA64.

64-bit Buffer

With the 64-bit buffer, you can now improve the performance and the zIIP utilization by reducing the zIIP spillover due to contention. This enhancement provides a large block of 64-bit storage available during the server startup, which improves the SQL Engine throughput numbers as fewer IARV64 GETSTORE requests are needed when processing requests. This results in running more requests simultaneously.

For more information, see 64-bit buffer and PH55840.

January 2023

Sysplex Function

With the Sysplex Function, you can now modify various parameters across the subsystems running on different IBM Data Virtualization Manager for z/OS servers in the same Sysplex.

For more information, see Sysplex Function and PH51191.

December 2022

Extracting DBDs and PSBs using IMS Catalog Node

With the IMS Catalog Node, you can now discover and extract IMS information from the IMS Catalog database in the IBM Data Virtualization Manager for z/OS studio.

The IMS catalog implemented as a standard IMS database contains information about the DBDs and PSBs. The studio supports extracting IMS Database Definition (DBD) and IMS Program Specification Block (PSB) source from the catalog database as an alternative to the pre-existing DBD and PSB extract from the source libraries.

For more information, see Extracting DBDs and PSBs using IMS Catalog Node.

Multiple Schema Support

With the IBM Data Virtualization Manager for z/OS, you can now create and manage multiple schemas. This feature supports the use of multiple virtual schemas for virtual tables in Data Virtualization Manager. You can create schemas in the server using JCL batch files, you can manage the schemas using the JCL batch files and DVM Studio.

July 2022

Viewing online documentation for SMF virtual table

With DVM studio, you can now view the detailed documentation available for:
  • SMF virtual tables
  • Columns in the SMF virtual tables
  • SMF sub-tables
  • Columns in the SMF sub-tables
For more information, see Viewing documentation.

January 2022

September 2021

  • DVM support for NaturalONE version 9

    DVM supports NaturalONE version 9 (v9) by giving an option to generate a local stored procedure file that you can use with a compiler on another system.

    For more information, see Data Virtualization Manager support for NaturalONE version 9.

  • Virtualize large Db2 columns

    With DVM, you can create virtual DVM tables that map a large, single Db2 column using a COBOL copybook or a PLI include file. When you query the virtual table, the single Db2 column is read and split into separate columns based on the original data mapping layout that is described in the copybook.

    For more information, see About virtualizing large Db2 columns.

  • Support for ODBC docker container

    DVM now supports ODBC running on Ubuntu z/Linux in a Dockerized container for IBM zCX (Container Extensions). As a part of this enhancement, the ODBC driver is built on Ubuntu 18.04 version and delivered as a docker file. The docker file contains instructions and arguments that are used to define the docker image and containers.

    For more information, see Installing OBDC docker file for zCX

August 2021

  • Software configuration management capabilities for virtual views

    DVM now includes JGit library to provide APIs for implementing Git version control system and supports repository access routines, version control features, and network protocols. Using this enhancement, you can export a created virtual view to a software configuration management provider such as Git.

    For more information, see Exporting a virtual view to a Software management configuration provider.

  • Runstats function

    DVM now includes the Runstats function to collect statistics about the data that is stored in the target database table. With this data, the DVM server makes an informed decision on the optimal path to access the data from the target database table. Runstats works on all the data sources that Data Virtualization Manager supports.

    For more information, see Runstats function.

  • Data Virtualization Manager installation using z/OSMF workflow (Automation)

    This enhancement provides z/OS Management Facility (z/OSMF) workflow files and templates that enable the user to invoke z/OSMF to configure the DVM server and its components in an automated manner. This way of automated installation requires less work, completely avoids manual error-prone configuration, and significantly reduces the time taken to create the DVM server.

    Using the enhancement, you can navigate to the URL where the instance of z/OSMF is installed and follow a series of window prompts to complete the configuration. Once the panel fields are populated with the desired values, the workflows customize the required templates. The templates are then stored and submitted as batch jobs on z/OS to create the DVM instance.

    For more information, see AVZ installation using z/OSMF workflow (Automated manner).

July 2021

  • DVM hybrid virtualization engine

    The JDBC and ODBC drivers now have aggregation capabilities. The driver supports parallelism, and hence it queries DVM in threads based on the MRC value provided, performs aggregation on the threads, and displays the results. This enhancement supports the following functions.

    • Count
    • Min
    • Max
    • Sum
    • Avg
    • Order by

    If you set the value MRC=true, the MapReduceConnectionCount parameter is set to the number of CPU cores in the machine.

  • Db2 distributed federation for DVM

    DVM Studio is enhanced to create views in Db2 subsystems on Linux environments and to create Db2 federation nicknames. This enhancement allows the created views to use nicknames to query data in DVM using the DVM JDBC driver. For more information, see Db2 federation nicknames for distributed environment

  • Software configuration management capabilities for virtual tables

    DVM Studio now includes JGit library to provide APIs for implementing Git version control system and supports repository access routines, version control features, and network protocols. Using this enhancement, you can export a created virtual table to a software configuration management provider such as Git. For more information, see Exporting a virtual table to Software management configuration provider.

  • IDF-Direct Support

    IDF-Direct allows you to skip DVM's SQL engine for execution of the queries and to process the queries at the connected DRDA datasource. The benefits of using IDF-Direct are:
    • In-depth and comprehensive debugging capabilities due to DV server-based tracing.
    • Avoids the need to create virtual tables which are exact replicas of real tables at the target datasource.
    The IDF-Direct access to a remotely connected DRDA location allows for single source pushdown of the SQL statement generated within the client application. IDF-Direct can be enabled by either:
    • Referencing the DRDA location name with the prefix of IDF_.
    • Setting the DVM server IDFLOCATION parameter to the alias name for the DRDA location.

    For more information, see Configuring IDF-Direct.

June 2021

  • IMS Post-read Exit Support

    Data Virtualization Manager supports post-read exit routines when creating a virtual table for IMS databases. For more information, see Using the IMS Virtual Table wizard and PH35927.

December 2020

  • Access to DVM data sources on IBM Cloud Pa for Data

    Data Virtualization Manager is now exposed as a connection in IBM Cloud Pa for Data. Using this connection, you can import DVM virtual tables, virtual views, and COBOL copybook as data assets in a catalog. You can then easily copy DVM catalog assets into projects to analyze your data and build AI models.

  • DVM JDBC driver included in Db2 11.5.4

    Java-based applications and tools use the JDBC driver to access data that is made available through Data Virtualization Manager. The DVM JDBC driver implements the network protocol that is used for accessing the DVM server. This driver is now included in Db2 11.5.4. Therefore, from Db2 11.5.4 release onwards, you do not need to manually install the DVM JDBC driver to enable you to access DVM from a Db2 installation.

  • DVM components on Fix Central

    Data Virtualization Manager components are now available on Fix Central for download. Fix Central is an access driven portal to download IBM products. From the Fix Central portal, you can download the following DVM components:
    • JDBC: Java-based applications and tools use the JDBC driver to access data that is made available through Data Virtualization Manager.
    • JDBC Gateway: JDBC Gateway is a DVM distributed application server that allows direct connectivity to JDBC data sources.
    • ODBC: Non-java based applications and tools use the ODBC driver to access data that is made available through DVM.
    • Service Provider: DVM Service Provider enables communication between z/OS Connect and the DVM server.
    • SMF: Includes SMF maps and post read exits for SMF record types.
    • Studio: DVM studio is an Eclipse-based user interface that allows you to create and manage metadata on the DVM server that is required to provide access to your mainframe and non-mainframe data.

September 2020

  • Network access control

    Enabling network access control for Data Virtualization Manager helps you ensure that only authorized users or applications access Data Virtualization Manager. This prevents unauthorized z/OS users or applications from viewing or even manipulating your mainframe data, either accidentally or on purpose. For more information, see PH27786 and Network access control.

December 2019

  • Japanese language support for studio

    You can change the language used in the user interface of the IBM Data Virtualization Manager studio from English to Japanese. For more information, see PH19488 and Changing the language used in studio.

October 2019

  • SQL query validation

    You can validate SQL queries before you execute them in Data Virtualization Manager studio. For more information, see PH11347 and Validating SQL statements.

  • RESTful services for Db2 objects

    You can use the Data Virtualization Manager studio to create RESTful services to access all Db2 objects such as Db2 tables, views, stored procedures, and user-defined table functions (Studs). For more information, see PH16070 and Creating RESTful services.

November 2018

  • JDBC Gateway

    JDBC Gateway is a Data Virtualization Manager distributed application server that allows direct connectivity to JDBC data sources. For more information, see PH01001, Installing JDBC Gateway and Using JDBC Gateway.

  • Integrated DRDA Facility

    The Integrated DRDA Facility (IDF) introduces a DRDA Application Server (AS) into Data Virtualization Manager, allowing for peer-to-peer communications between Data Virtualization Manager servers. Each Data Virtualization Manager server can use DRDA to access data sources resident at another peer Data Virtualization Manager server. For more information, see PH05549 and Running multiple servers.

October 2018

  • Db2 user-defined table functions

    You can use the IBM Data Virtualization Manager studio to create the necessary user-defined table functions (Studs) and views in Db2 for z/OS for access to any supported data source type. For existing virtual tables, the New UDTF Definitions in DB2 Wizard wizard creates the necessary objects in a local Db2 subsystem so that Data Virtualization Manager data can be queried using Db2 clients. For more information, see PH03533 and Creating Db2 user-defined table functions.

August 2018

  • Controlling display and access of native Db2 subsystems

    You can configure the DISABLEATTACH parameter to control whether native Db2 database subsystems appear in ISPF and in the Data Virtualization Manager studio, and if attempts to connect to native Db2 subsystems are allowed or not. For more information, see PH00606 and Controlling display and access for native Db2 subsystems.

July 2018

  • SMF log streams timestamp values

    When using SMF log streams, you can use the LS_TIMESTAMP and LS_TIMESTAMP_LOCAL virtual columns to retrieve timestamp values. When used in a WHERE predicate, the timestamp is searched using the respective time zone. For more information, see PI99536 and Accessing SMF data.

June 2018

  • Overriding data buffer and index buffer values for VSAM files

    Virtual table rule support is provided for overriding data buffer and index buffer values for VSAM files for individual requests. For more information, see PI98000 and Modifying the data and index buffers for VSAM files.

  • Reading ahead tracks for sequential file access

    Virtual table rule support is provided for specifying the number of tracks to read ahead (MULTACC) when reading sequential data sets for individual requests. For more information, see PI97991 and Reading ahead tracks for sequential file access.

  • Streaming SMF data in real time

    When streaming SMF data, the requester can use a SQL SELECT statement to stream SMF data in real time, directly from the SMF in-memory buffer. The connection to the SMF in-memory resource is made at the time of the request, and the SQL statement does not reach end of data until the server is stopped or the request is canceled. For more information, see PI97239 and Configuring access to data for IT Operational Analytics.

  • Db2 Direct access

    You can use the Db2 Direct access method to access Db2 data by reading the data in the underlying Db2 VSAM linear data sets directly. For more information, see PI95751, Db2 for z/OS data access methods, and Configuring Db2 Direct.

  • Db2 unload data sets

    You can issue SQL queries directly against Db2 unload data sets using existing Db2 virtual tables. To be able to access a Db2 unload data set directly with an SQL query, you must configure a virtual table rule to define the Db2 unload data set name to the Db2 virtual table. For more information, see PI94369 and Configuring access to Db2 unload data sets.

  • Handling auxiliary storage shortage event

    You can specify at what point the Data Virtualization Manager server rejects new connection attempts when an auxiliary storage shortage is signaled by the system Event Notification Facility. For more information, see PI97462 and Modifying the client auxiliary storage cut-off parameter.

April 2018

  • IMS Direct support for Guardium encryption and decryption exits

    IMS Direct supports calls to Guardium encryption and decryption exits. For more information, see PI94740 and Modifying the IMS Direct configuration member.

  • CSM-only query access to MQ queues

    Data Virtualization Manager enables CSM-only query access to MQ queues using virtual tables. For more information, see PI92252 and Configuring access to IBM MQ.

  • Delimited data support

    You can use Data Virtualization Manager to process delimited data from files, MQ data, and log streams using virtual tables mapped to MQ or z/OS files. For more information, see PI92252 and Configuring delimited data support.

  • Multiple IMS subsystems support

    IMS Direct supports access to multiple IMS subsystems. Configure your IMS subsystem using the DEFINE IMSDBINFO statement. You can configure this statement for each IMS subsystem that will be used by IMS Direct. For more information, see PI90971 and Modifying the IMS Direct configuration member.

  • Generation data sets

    You can configure the Data Virtualization Manager server to read only a subset of generation data sets (Gd’s) by activating a VTB rule. For more information, see PI90302 and Configuring generation data set retrieval.

  • Password phrase authentication

    IBM Data Virtualization Manager studio supports password phrase authentication when connecting to Data Virtualization Manager server. For more information, see PI92952 and Connecting to the Data Virtualization Manager server.