Get Ethernet ports

Retrieves information about the Ethernet ports in the library.

Request syntax

GET /v1/ethernetPorts
Retrieves information about all Ethernet ports in the tape library.

GET /v1/ethernetPorts/<location>
Retrieves information about the Ethernet port in the specified location.

Path parameters

location (string)

The unique location of this Ethernet port.


> GET /v1/ethernetPorts
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json
Content-Length: 1736

          "location": "ethernetPort_F3Pimc",
          "macAddress": "40:F2:E9:52:12:39",
          "ipv4Address": "", 
          "ipv4Subnet": null,
          "ipv4Gateway": null,    
          "ipv4Assignment": "static",
          "ipv4Primary": null,
          "ipv4Secondary": null,
          "ipv6Address": "FDC0:FFEE:BABE::251:1",
          "ipv6PrefixLength": "0",
          "ipv6Gateway": null,
          "ipv6Primary": null,
          "ipv6Secondary": null,
          "ipv6Link": "FE80::42F2:E9FF:FE52:1239",
          "ipv6DHCP": "disabled", 
          "ipv6StatelessConfig": "disabled",
          "ipv6Static": "enabled"},
     }, {
          "location": "ethernetPort_F1Pa", 
          "macAddress": "40:F2:E9:52:36:E3", 
          "ipv4Address": "disabled", 
          "ipv4Subnet": "disabled", 
          "ipv4Gateway": "disabled", 
          "ipv4Assignment": "disabled", 
          "ipv4Primary": "disabled", 
          "ipv4Secondary": "disabled", 
          "ipv6Address": "disabled", 
          "ipv6PrefixLength": "disabled", 
          "ipv6Gateway": "disabled", 
          "ipv6Primary": "disabled", 
          "ipv6Secondary": "disabled", 
          "ipv6Link": "disabled", 
          "ipv6DHCP": "disabled", 
          "ipv6StatelessConfig": "disabled", 
          "ipv6Static": "disabled"
     }, {


location (string)

The unique location of this Ethernet port.

macAddress (string)

The media access control (MAC) address of this Ethernet port.

ipv4Address (string)

The IPv4 address of this Ethernet port.

ipv4Subnet (string)

The IPv4 subnet mask of this Ethernet port.

ipv4Gateway (string)

The IPv4 gateway address of this Ethernet port.

ipv4Assignment (string)

The IPv4 address of this Ethernet port. Values include static and dynamic.

ipv4Primary (string)

The IPv4 primary DNS address of this Ethernet port. If the ipv4Assignment is Static, this value can still be used for other network addresses that use hostnames such as remote authentication servers and encryption servers.

ipv4Secondary (string)

The IPv4 secondary DNS address of this Ethernet port. If the ipv4Assignment is Static, this value can still be used for other network addresses that use hostnames such as remote authentication servers and encryption servers.

Ipv6Address (string)

The IPv6 address of this Ethernet port.

ipv6PrefixLength (string)

The IPv6 prefix length of this Ethernet port.

ipv6Gateway (string)

The IPv6 gateway address of this Ethernet port.

ipv6Primary (string)

The IPv6 primary DNS address of this Ethernet port.

ipv6Secondary (string)

The IPv6 secondary DNS address of this Ethernet port.

ipv6Link (string)

The IPv6 link settings of this Ethernet port.

ipv6DHCP (string)

The IPv6 DHCP address setting of this Ethernet port.

ipv6StatelessConfig (string)

The IPv6 stateless config setting of this Ethernet port.

ipv6Static (string)

The IPv6 static IP address of this Ethernet port.