Element Type 3: Import/Export (DVCID=B'1')

Table 1. Element Type 3: Import/Export Element Descriptor (DVCID = B'1')
Byte Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0
0–1 Element Address
2 OIR (B'0') CMC InEnab ExEnab Access Except ImpExp Full
3 Reserved
6–8 Reserved
9 SValid Invert (B'0') Reserved
10–11 Source Storage Element Address
12–47 Primary Volume Tag Information
  Device Identifier
48 Reserved Code Set (X'2')
49 Reserved Association (B'00') Identifier Type (X'1')
50 Reserved
51 Identifier Length (X'00' or X'2C')
52–59 Vendor ID
60–75 Device Type and Model Number
76–87 Serial Number of Device
88–91 First Storage Element Address
92–94 Frame Number
95 Reserved
  • CMC: Connected Media Changer. The following values apply:
      B'0' Exports are to the I/O station and Imports are from the I/O station.
      B'1' Exports are to a connected media changer and Imports are from a connected media changer.
    Note: If the DVCID bit is set to B'1' in the CDB, the Voltag bit must also be set to B'1'. Otherwise, Illegal Request, Invalid Field in the CDB is returned.

    Element Descriptor bytes 0–47 are the same as the Import/Export Element Descriptor bytes 0–47 with DVCID=0, as shown in Table 1. If the DVCID bit in the CDB is set to B'0', bytes 48–91 are omitted.

    For libraries where there is at least one shuttle station is assigned to a logical library:
    If the DVCID bit in the CDB is set to B'1' and the Import/Export element is present and the CMC bit is set to B'1', bytes 48–95 are reported and the following information applies. If the Import/Export element is not present or if the CMC bit is set to B'0', bytes 48–95 are reported and are set to X'0' and the Identifier Length is set X'00'.
    For libraries where there are no shuttle stations are assigned to a logical library:
    If the DVCID bit in the CDB is set to B'1', the device returns CHECK CONDITION status with associated sense data of 5/2400 (Illegal Request, Invalid Field) in the CDB.
    Note: Each IE device identifier reports the same information as reported in Inquiry Data Device Identifier page X'83' for the associated logical library, with the addition of the frame number, bytes 92–95.
  • Code set: This field is set to X'2' indicating the Identifier data contains ASCII printable characters.
  • Identifier Type: This field is set to X'1' indicating the Identifier Type is T10 vendor ID based.
  • Identifier Length: This field contains the length in bytes of valid Device Identifier information. If the DCVID bit is set to B'1', the Identifier Length can be X'00' (no element present or CMC bit = B'0') or X'2C' (element present).
  • Vendor ID: This is the same as Inquiry Standard Data bytes 8–15 of the associated logical library.
  • Device Type and Model Number: This is the same as Inquiry Standard Data bytes 16–31 of the associated logical library.
  • Serial Number of Device: This is right justified with leading zeroes, in ASCII (same as Inquiry Standard Data bytes 38–49 of the associated logical library).
  • First Storage Element Address: ASCII representation of four hexadecimal digits from Mode Page X'1D', bytes 6–7 of the associated logical library.
  • Frame Number: ASCII representation of 'Fxx' where xx is the frame number of the destination shuttle station that ranges from '01' to '16'.