Monitoring events

The events displayed on the Events page are sorted first by severity and second by time. Specify a time range – 1 day, 1 week (the default), or All – from the menu bar at the top of the Events table.

The Events table displays the most recent 10,000 events. If the Events table is full and a new event is generated, the oldest inactive events are deleted first.

Active events, displayed in color in the Events table, are events that have not yet been fixed. Inactive events, displayed in gray in the Events table, are events that are being addressed or that have been fixed. Only errors and warnings can be marked inactive. Information messages are not alerts and therefore cannot be marked as inactive.

To manually mark an event as inactive, either:
  • Use the Mark Inactive action to mark a specific event or range of events as inactive.
  • Click the Mark All Inactive icon (Mark All Inactive icon) to mark all events as inactive.

Events can also be marked inactive by an IBM® service representative.

To view details about an event, select the event and select Actions > Properties. The Event Properties include a complete history of the event. If there is an action that can be performed to resolve an error or warning event, a fix procedure is also provided.

View the status of each event in the State column. For events that require service, the State column shows when a Call Home is generated, when the Call Home is complete, and when the service action is complete.

If the library is configured to send syslog (system log) notifications, it sends a notification of each event to the syslog server. The syslog server keeps its own log of system events.