Overview of uninstallation methods

The following information provides an overview of the uninstallation methods that are supported and how to access them.

Uninstalling the DS CLI by using the graphical mode

Complete the following steps to uninstall the DS CLI from your system when the DS CLI is installed on a Windows or UNIX system.

Note: If you do not want to create a new profile when you reinstall the CLI, select to not delete the DS CLI profile as you complete this task, or copy the profile file to a safe place before you uninstall the CLI.
  1. Navigate to the location where the DS CLI was installed. For example, on Windows the path might be C:\Program Files\ibm\dscli. On UNIX or Linux® systems, the location might be /opt/ibm/dscli.
  2. Open the _uninst directory to access the uninstaller. (On Windows, C:\Program Files\ibm\dscli\_uninst\uninstaller.exe; on UNIX or Linux systems, /opt/ibm/dscli/_uninst/uninstaller.)
  3. From the command prompt, specify the -i swing parameter to open the uninstaller in graphical mode. The Uninstall Storage Command Line Interface window is displayed. Click Uninstall to complete the uninstallation process, or Cancel to cancel the uninstallation.

Alternately, you can use the Add/Remove Programs facility of the Windows operating system to uninstall the DS CLI from your system.

Uninstalling the DS CLI by using unattended (silent) mode

Use the unattended (silent) mode to uninstall the DS CLI through the command line if the DS CLI is installed on any system other than IBM® i i5/OS.

Open a command prompt and type: <install_directory_path>/_uninst/uninstaller -i silent. Then press Enter to remove the DS CLI.

Uninstalling the DS CLI by using the console mode

Use the console mode to uninstall the DS CLI when the DS CLI is installed on a UNIX system that does not have an X display.

Open a command prompt and type: <install_directory_path>/_uninst/uninstaller -i console. Then press Enter to display the Uninstall Storage Command Line Interface page. Press Enter again to complete the uninstallation.

Uninstalling the DS CLI from an IBM i model

Because the DS CLI is installed on an IBM i model from a remote system, it is not possible to use the conventional DS CLI removal methods that you use with other systems.

When the DS CLI was installed onto your IBM i model, you used a remote system for the installation (for example, Windows, UNIX or AIX®). Part of the installation process is the creation of an uninstaller. However, because you were using another system to do your installation, the uninstaller that was created was for the system that you installed from and not for the IBM i model. This uninstaller cannot be used to uninstall the DS CLI.

When you want to uninstall the DS CLI, you can use one of the following two methods:

  • Uninstall directly from your i5/OS IBM i model by completing the following steps:
    1. Delete the library by using DLTLIB QDSCLI.
    2. Run the command, EDTF 'DSCLI_INSTALL_PARENT', where 'DSCLI_INSTALL_PARENT' is the parent directory of the DS CLI installation. The default parent directory is /ibm.
    3. Insert a 9 (recursive delete) beside the DS CLI directory to remove all DS CLI java code.

    You might use this method if you are not planning to upgrade the DS CLI and you want to totally uninstall the DS CLI from your IBM i model.

  • Uninstall by using a remote system.

    You might use this method when you are upgrading the DS CLI, because after the removal, you can use this remote system to install the upgraded DS CLI.

Uninstalling the DS CLI using your IBM i model directly

Note: The i5/OS direct removal method requires that you use the i5/OS console mode and that you use an i5/OS command. The following steps presume that you are logged in to the i5/OS and have the authority to remove applications.
To uninstall the DS CLI using your IBM i model directly, enter the following command from your i5/OS application:
RUNJVA CLASS(run) PARM('-console') 
CLASSPATH('/Q IBM/ProdData/Java400/jt400ntv.jar:/yourdir/_uninst

Substitute your uninstall directory for yourdir.

Uninstalling the DS CLI from your IBM i model using the remote method

To remove the DS CLI from your IBM i model using the remote method, go to the _uninst folder on the Windows desktop and run the uninstaller.exe file.