Correcting the Java Virtual Machine Not Found Error

Complete this task to correct the Java™ Virtual Machine Not Found Error.

About this task

The Java Virtual Machine Not Found error occurs when the DS CLI installer cannot find the correct version of Java in the standard directories of your system. You must have Java 6 or later on your system for the DS CLI to work.
  1. This error might also occur if you are installing the DS CLI on an AIX® system. The LIBPATH environment variable can interfere with the installation of the DS CLI and can result in the display of the Java Virtual Machine Not Found error. To prevent this error, disable the LIBPATH environment variable before you install the DS CLI. After the installation of the DS CLI, enable the LIBPATH environment variable so that it can be used with other applications.

If Java 6 or later is not found during the initial check, the following message is displayed:

After ensuring that Java 6 or later is installed, complete one of the following actions to correct the Java Virtual Machine Not Found error:
  • Run the DS CLI installer again from the console, and provide the path to the JVM using the LAX_VM option. The following examples represent paths to the correct version of Java:
    • For a Windows system, specify the following path:
      dsclisetup.exe LAX_VM "C:\Program Files\java-whatever\jre\bin\java.exe"
      Note: Because there is a space in the Program Files directory name, you are required to add quotes around the file name.
    • For a UNIX or Linux system, specify the following path:
      dsclisetup.bin LAX_VM /opt/ibm-Java-whatever/java/bin/java
      Note: If you use the LAX_VM argument, the installer attempts to use whatever JVM that you specify, even if it is an unsupported version. If an unsupported version is specified, the installation might complete successfully, but the DS CLI might not run and return an "Unsupported Class Version Error" message. You must ensure that you specify a supported version.
    • Continue with the installation of the DS CLI.
  • (For UNIX or Linux) Add the Java virtual machine location to your PATH environment variable by running the following command:
    export PATH=$PATH:/opt/ibm-Java-whatever/java/bin

    Then, run the dsclisetup.bin program to install the DS CLI.

  • (AIX only) Run the following commands to sequentially disable the LIBPATH environment variable, install the DS CLI, and restore the LIBPATH environment variable:
    		 		 unset LIBPATH
    dsclisetup.bin LAX_VM/opt/ibm-Java-whatever/java/bin/java
    		 		 export LIBPATH=$LIBSAVE
    		 		 unset LIBSAVE