Configuring Query Monitor for OMEGAMON Data Provider

This section focuses on the configuration needs specific to Db2 Query Monitor when using OMEGAMON Data Provider (ODP) to stream data to external analytics platforms, such as IBM Instana, Splunk, Elastic, and Prometheus. It provides you information on Db2 Query Monitor unique configuration items for OMEGAMON Data Provider.

For more information on the configuration, refer to IBM OMEGAMON Data Provider user guide.

OMEGAMON Data Provider Streaming Architecture

Db2 Query Monitor can stream data through ODP components: OMEGAMON Data Broker and OMEGAMON Data Connect.
OMEGAMON Data Provider Streaming Architecture


These functions and tasks are necessary within Query Monitor to make its data streamable to analytics engines.
OMEGAMON Data Broker
Query Monitor sends data to OMEGAMON Data Broker for processing. OMEGAMON Data Broker configuration parameters include the host name and port on which OMEGAMON Data Connect is listening.
OMEGAMON Data Connect
Data processed in OMEGAMON Data Broker is forwarded to OMEGAMON Data Connect. OMEGAMON Data Connect configuration parameters identify inputs and outputs platforms.