Configuring Db2 Query Monitor to use OMEGAMON Data Provider

Complete these steps to configure Db2 Query Monitor to use it with OMEGAMON Data Provider (ODP).


  1. Include the ODP loadlib in the CQMPROC started task STEPLIB concatenation.
  2. Select the types of data that must be streamed from Query Monitor. Each of these data has a parameter that must be set within CQMPARMS. The default value is either N or No collection.
    1. Set the value of the following parameters to Y:
  3. Turn on the OMEGAMON Data Provider (ODP) feature by updating the following values in CQMPARMS:
    1. Use the broker_name that you get from Configuring OMEGAMON Data Broker in ODP_ZIS_NAME(broker_name). The default ODP value is ODP_BROKER.
    2. Use the store_name that you get from OMEGAMON Data Broker configuration instructions in ODP_STORE_NAME(store_name). The default ODP value is OMEGAMON.
  4. Install the mapping JAR file in the OMEGAMON Data Provider extensions directory. Query Monitor has a JAR file that contains the mapping transformations that OMEGAMON Data Connect requires to convert raw data to a standard format for streaming.
    1. Deploy the extension JAR file by performing the following:
      • Copy the JAR file (for example, cqm-odp-model-1.1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar) from CQM_HOME/odp and place it in the extensions directory of OMEGAMON Data Connect. The extensions directory is identified by the odp.ext run-time option used when launching OMEGAMON Data Connect.
        Note: Ensure the 'user id' that is used to start the address space of OMEGAMON Data Connect has READ access to the extension JAR file.
        For example, if OMEGAMON Data Connect has started using ID OMODPSTC (group STCGROUP), and the extension JAR file name is cqm-odp-model-1.1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar. Grant READ access to this file:
        chmod +r cqm-odp-model-1.1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar
      • Restart OMEGAMON Data Connect.
      • Restart OMEGAMON Data Broker.
  5. Optional: Update the data dictionary. Query Monitor has a directory of supported attributes that are eligible for streaming. This dictionary is useful when:
    • Choosing specific attributes for filtering within OMEGAMON Data Connect in the connect.yaml file.
    • Building an analytics dashboard.
    • Choosing specific attributes for publishing through the Prometheus endpoint.
    Note: You can copy this dictionary from $CQM_HOME/odp/ and place it in the customer copy of the OMEGAMON Data Connect installation directory during the deployment of OMEGAMON Data Provider in /kay-110/dictionary/.


  • If the configuration is successful, you will see a series of messages beginning with CQM8022I.
  • If the configuration is unsuccessful, you will see the message CQM7701E.