Real-Time C++ General group properties for UML operations

The following C++ properties in the General group are associated with UML operations. The properties for UML elements are listed in the order in which they appear in the Properties view, on the RT Properties page.
Call From Destructor
If this check box is selected, the property specifies that the operation is called from the automatically generated destructor for the class. To be called from the destructor, the operation must not have any parameters. The destructor can invoke more than one operation in a class. The operations are invoked in the order in which they are listed in the Operations list.
Constructor Explicit
Specifies whether the explicit function specifier is applied to the function.
Constructor Initializer
Provides the initialization parameters for this operation if it is a constructor. This property controls the initialization of parent classes and member variables. Example:
: _length(9), _angle(4.556)
Note: Be sure to add the colon to start the initializer list.
Declare Exceptions
If this check box is selected, the property specifies that exceptions are declared. The property selection is cleared by default.
Determines where to generate the operation. The default value is set to declaration & definition.
Specifies whether the inline function specifier is applied to the function.
Operation Kind
Determines whether the operation is generated as one of the following items:
  • A member function of the class
  • A global function that is defined in the same file as the class
  • A friend that allows access to non-public operations
Specifies whether the operation is declared virtual. The default value is set to False. In Rational Rose® RealTime, this property was not part of the property sets; it was a regular attribute of operations.
Header Preface
Specifies the text that appears immediately before the declaration of the operation in the header file.
Header Ending
Specifies the text that appears immediately after the declaration of the operation in the header file.
Implementation Preface
Specifies the text that appears immediately before the operation implementation.
Implementation Ending
Specifies the text that appears immediately after the operation implementation.
