Real-Time C++ General group properties for UML classes and interfaces

The following C++ properties in the General group are associated with UML classes and interfaces. The properties for UML elements are listed in the order General group they appear in the Properties view, on the RT Properties page.
Assignment Operator Inline
Specifies whether the generated assignment operator is declared as inline.
Assignment Operator Visibility
Specifies the visibility of the generated assignment operator.
Class Kind
Defines the kind of C++ construct that is generated for the class element. Possible values are class, struct, union, typedef, and none.

If Class Kind is set to typedef, the Implementation Type property is used to specify the type.

Copy Constructor Explicit
Specifies whether the generated copy constructor is declared as explicit.
Copy Constructor Inline
Specifies whether the generated copy constructor is declared as inline.
Copy Constructor Visibility
Specifies the visibility of the generated copy constructor.
Default Constructor Explicit
Specifies whether the generated constructor is declared as explicit.
Default Constructor Inline
Specifies whether the generated constructor is declared as inline.
Default Constructor Visibility
Specifies the visibility of the generated constructor.
Destructor Virtual
Specifies whether the generated destructor is declared as virtual.
Destructor Inline
Specifies whether the generated destructor is declared as inline.
Destructor Visibility
Specifies the visibility of the generated destructor.
Equality Operator Inline
Specifies whether the generated equality operator is declared as inline.
Equality Operators Visibility
Specifies the visibility of the generated equality operator.
Generate Extraction Operator
Specifies whether the extraction operator is generated automatically.
Generate Insertion Operator
Specifies whether the insertion operator is generated automatically.
Generate Assignment Operator
Specifies whether the assignment operator is generated automatically. The generated assignment operator provides a memberwise assignment of each attribute from the source object.
Note: The generated assignment operator copies only pointers, and not pointed-to values. If a class has pointers, you should create your own explicit assignment operator.

You can overload this property by creating your own assignment operator on the class. If you create your own assignment operator and if the Generate Assignment Operator option is selected, the C++ code generator recognizes that an assignment operator exists and does not generate another one.

Note: If you declare a private assignment operator, ensure that the Generate Assignment Operator option is cleared.
Generate Class
Determines if the transformation generates a class, interface, or enumeration. If the Generate Class check box is not selected, the C++ transformation does not generate a definition for this class. This property should be used when you modeled code that has already been implemented outside the tool, and does not need to be generated.

For example, it is common to create a class that is a placeholder for an external data type. This option allows you to specify the data type in a protocol and use it for modeling purposes. If you leave the Generate Descriptor (class, C++ TargetRTS) property set, a type descriptor can still be generated even if the class is not.

Even if the Generate Class property is not selected you should set the Class Kind property so that the C++ transformation can generate forward references when needed.
Generate Copy Constructor
Specifies whether the copy constructor is generated automatically. The generated copy constructor provides a memberwise construction of each attribute from the source object.
Note: The generated copy constructor copies only pointers and not pointed-to values. If a class has pointers, you should create your own explicit copy constructor.
You can overload this property by creating your own copy constructor on the class. If you create you own copy constructor and the Generate Copy Constructor option is selected, the C++ code generator recognizes that a copy constructor already exists, and does not generate another one.
Note: If you declare a private copy constructor, ensure that the Generate Copy Constructor option is not selected.
Generate Default Constructor
Specifies whether the default constructor is generated automatically. The generated default constructor initializes the attributes of the class with their initial values.

The way in which the class attributes are initialized depends on the kind of attribute (for example, array or other) combined with the value of the Initializer Kind (attribute, C++) property. Arrays are initialized by using a memberwise assignment loop, and other attributes can either be initialized via the constructor initialization list or by assignment.

You can overload this property by creating your own default constructor on the class. In these cases even if the Generate Default Constructor check box is selected, the C++ transformation recognizes that a constructor already exists and does not generate another.

Note: When you overload the default constructor on a class, the initial values of the attributes are not used during code generation.
Generate Destructor
Specifies whether the destructor is generated automatically. The generated destructor is empty unless any operations have the Call From Destructor (Operation, C++) property selected.

You can overload this property by creating your own destructor on the class. In these cases even if the Generate Destructor property is enabled, the C++ code generator recognizes that a destructor already exists and does not generate another.

Generate Equality Operator
Specifies whether the equality operator is generated automatically. The generated equality performs a memberwise equality check.

If you choose for the transformation to not generate these operators, you can define your own. If both == and != are generated, the Inline check box for != is meaningless, because the transformation generates the != as an inline call to the negation of ==.

Generate Inequality Operator
Specifies whether the inequality operator is generated automatically.

If you choose for the transformation not to generate these operators, you can define your own. If both == and != are generated, the Inline check box for != is meaningless, because the transformation generates the != as an inline call to the negation of ==.

Generate State Machine
Determines if the transformation generates a state machine. This check box is selected by default.
Header Preface
Specifies the text that appears immediately before the declaration of the class in the header file.
Header Ending
Specifies the text that appears immediately after the declaration of the class in the header file.
Implementation Preface
Specifies the text that appears immediately before the class implementation.
Implementation Ending
Specifies the text that appears immediately after the class implementation.
Implementation Type
Provides the type for the typedef when the Class Kind (Class, C++) property is set to typedef.

For example, the following code is generated by creating a class named MyString, setting the Class Kind to typedef, and setting the Implementation Type to char[30]:

typedef char MyString[30];
Inequality Operator Inline
Specifies whether the generated inequality operator is declared as inline.
Inequality Operators Visibility
Specifies the visibility of the generated inequality operator.
Private Declarations
Specifies text that appears in a private section of the class.
Protected Declarations
Specifies text that appears in a protected section of the class.
Public Declarations
Specifies text that appears in a public section in the class.
