You can open a log from the Projects view. In Projects view, the HTML, XML, and text logs
are listed within each project. The log list is displayed below the project. The log has the same
name as the project, with _logs appended, for example,
Do one of the following procedures:
To view a log, select a log in the Projects view and right-click Open
To open the log in the Verification Point editor, select a log in the Projects view and
right-click Open VP.
To open a log in the Verification Point Comparator, select the log in the Projects view and
right-click Open Comparator.
Note: You can only view TPTP log files in the IBM® DevOps Test UI (Test UI) Eclipse Integrated Development
Environment, not in the Microsoft Visual Studio Integrated Development Environment. Customized
or extended log files in other formats cannot be viewed in either the Eclipse IDE or the
Visual Studio IDE.