Deleting and restoring resources

You can delete resources from the Resource Tree page and restore the deleted resources from the Recycle Bin page.

Deleting a resource removes it from the resource tree, not from the system. The deleted resources are moved to the Recycle Bin page. By default, the resources remain in the recycle bin for 14 days, after which they are deleted permanently from the system.

You can restore the resources to their previous locations in the resource tree. However, after resources are deleted from the recycle bin, they cannot be restored. When restored, the resources are restored as a child resource of the original parent resource. If the parent was moved, the resource is restored to the parent's new location.

If the deleted resource is mapped to an environment, the resource is deleted from the environment also. In case you still require the deleted resource, restore the resource, and map it to the environment again.

To delete or restore resources from the recycle bin, you must be logged on as administrator or have the Execute on Resources and Manage Children permissions.

Deleting resources

  1. Open the Resource Tree page.
    In addition to the Resource Tree page, resources might be displayed in several ways, such as by adding resources to an environment.
  2. Select the check box that is associated with the resource to delete.
    You can select multiple resources.
  3. From the Actions list, click Delete.
    Subresources that are associated with the selected resources are deleted also.
The deleted resources are sent to the recycle bin.

Restoring binned resources

The Recycle Bin page lists retained resources after you delete them. The recycle bin contains information such as the user who binned the resource, the binned date, and the original path. You can sort and filter the resources by using this information and restore multiple retained resources at once.
  • You cannot restore a resource if the parent is also deleted. In this case, restore the parent resource along with the child resource.
  • Resources that are part of resource template and dynamic resources, if deleted, are not binned.
  1. Open the Recycle Bin page.
  2. Select the check box that is associated with the resource to restore.
    You can select multiple resources.
  3. From the Actions list, click Restore.
The resources are restored and available on the Resource Tree page.