Editing Terraform blueprint source code
You can edit the Terraform source code of blueprints directly.
. The
diagram tab shows the blueprint in the graphical editor. The other tabs enable you to view and edit
the source for the blueprint.For more information on using the graphical editor, see Editing Terraform blueprint diagram.
On the left side of the editor, the Outline view shows the
following sections:
- Providers
- Variables
- Data Sources
- Resources
- Outputs
Each section displays the items in the blueprint of that type. Clicking on an item in the Outline view will move the cursor to that item in the blueprint.
If the blueprint contains an error, warning, or unfinished TODO item, an icon that represents the most serious types of item is displayed on the editor toolbar. For example, if the blueprint contains at least one error, the error icon is displayed. Hover over the icon to display a list of all items that you must correct or complete before you provision the blueprint.
The editor toolbar contains useful tools for working with your blueprint. It
includes tools like cuts, copy, paste, and delete. Also
- Edit variables
- Add or edit outputs
- Synchronize variables
. Only variable when working with Cloud Automation Manager projects. - Toggle the comment character on the currently selected source code.