Installing and running the Cloud Discovery Service as a container

You can install and run the Cloud Discovery Service as a container.

About this task

The Cloud Discovery Service container image is for the x86_64 platform.


  1. From the command line, change to the installation_directory/ibm-ucd-patterns-install/web-install/containers folder.
  2. Copy the ibm-cloud-discovery-service-container-image-<version>.tar file, and move it to a machine that hosts a Docker engine.
  3. Log into the Docker engine machine as a user that belongs to the Docker group. Then, run this command:
    docker load -i ibm-cloud-discovery-service-container-image-<version>.tar
  4. To verify that you have successfully uploaded the ibm-ucd-cloud-discovery-service container image, run this command:
    docker images local/ibm-ucd-cloud-discovery-service
  5. To accept the license, run this command:
    docker run -d -e LICENSE="accept" -p 7575:7575 local/ibm-ucd-cloud-discovery-service:<version_tag>
    Note: If you have a custom Cloud Discovery Service file, you can use the CLOUDDISCOVERYSERVICE_SETTINGS_FILE variable to specify the file mounted path. The file must be mounted to the container. For more information, see the Docker help, Use volumes.
  6. Log into the IBM UrbanCode Deploy blueprint designer.
  7. In the upper-right corner, click the Settings icon, and then click System Settings.
  8. In the General Settings section, update the Cloud Discovery Service URL field.
    Note: You must ensure that the IBM UrbanCode Deploy blueprint designer can access the exposed port of the machine that hosts the IBM UrbanCode Deploy Cloud Discovery Service.
