Mapping data sets and partitioned data set members

A data set mapping associates the lowest level qualifier in each MVS™ data set to a file name extension that is used for the related workstation-based file in your subprojects. One mapping, for example, associates the z/OS®-based qualifier COBOL with the workstation-based file extension .cbl.

About this task

The Developer for z/OS product provides a set of default mappings, but you can create more mappings.


To add a data set mapping:

  1. Open the z/OS File System Mapping view.
    This view displays all remote z/OS systems and the data set mappings that are defined on them. When there are multiple definitions for a data set or member name pattern, the order in which a mapping is displayed in the table determines its priority: the higher it is on the list, the higher the priority.
  2. From the System list, select the remote system that you want to modify mappings for.
  3. To add a data set mapping, right-click the table and select Add Data Set Mapping.
    The Add Data Set Mapping window opens.
  4. To add a member mapping, right-click a data set mapping in the z/OS File System Mapping view and select Add Member Mapping.
    The Add Member Mapping window opens.
  5. Specify a string in the Mapping criterion field.
    Data sets and members with names that match this string are included in the mapping.
    • Use ** as a wildcard for matching one or more data set name segments or qualifiers:
      • **COBOL matches <any high-level qualifier>.<any middle qualifier>.COBOL. These sample data set names match this mapping:
        • USER.COBOL
        • USER.A.COBOL
        • USER.A.B.C.COBOL
        • USER.A.B.C.MYCOBOL
      • **ERROR** matches <any high-level qualifier>.ERROR.<any low-level qualifier>. These sample data set names match this mapping:
    • Use * as a wildcard for matching within a data set name segment or qualifier. For example, USER**COB* matches the following names:
      • USER.A.COB
      • USER.A.B.COBOL
    • You can also use a period as a delimiter in a mapping:
      • USER.*.TEST matches USER.A.TEST, but not USER.A.B.TEST
    • Use ? as a wildcard for any single character within a member name. Take members A0, A00, and A00 as example. The wildcard pattern A?? matches member A00, but other two members A0 and A000 are not matched. In this case, this wildcard is only effective for Member Mapping criterion.
    For more examples of wildcard patterns and matching data set names, see Table 1.
  6. In the Workstation file extension group, click Default or click Other and type the file name extension that you want to associate with the data set matching string.
  7. Use the remaining fields to choose a file transfer type and local and remote code pages.
    For more information about other file mapping options, see the related topics.
  8. Click OK.
    The new mapping is displayed in the table. Member mappings are added as children of the data set mapping that you selected before you click Add Member Mapping. You can sort this table by any of the headings that are shown in the view (such as Mapping Criterion, Workstation File Extension, and Transfer Mode). To sort the table, click a table heading.
  9. Optional: You can override these system-wide mappings by defining mappings for specific data sets or members:
    1. Right-click the data set or member in the Remote Systems view and click Properties.
    2. Click Mapping in the list on the left.
      The Mapping pane opens on the right. This pane is similar to the Add Data Set Mapping window.
    3. Leave the option to inherit values selected for each of the values you want to cascade from a higher level.


The following table provides further examples of wildcard patterns and the strings that match and do not match them.
Table 1. Examples of wildcard patterns in data set mappings. Wildcard patterns are listed across the top of the table, and sample data set names are listed down the first column of the table. The remaining cells indicate whether the sample data set name and the wildcard pattern match.
  Wildcard Patterns
KENYA.COBOL Match Match Match Do not match Match Do not match Do not match
KENYA.A.COBOL Match Match Match Match Do not match Match Do not match
KENYA.A.B.COBOL Match Match Match Match Do not match Do not match Match
KENYA.XYCOBOL Match Match Match Do not match Match Do not match Do not match
KENYA.A.XYCOBOL Match Match Match Do not match Do not match Do not match Do not match
KENYA.XCOBOLY Do not match Match Do not match Do not match Do not match Do not match Do not match