Modify (F)

The MODIFY command can be used to dynamically query and change the characteristics of an active task. The abbreviated version of the command is the letter F.

MODIFY DBGMGR operator command

Read syntax diagramSkip visual syntax diagram MODIFYF procname ,APPL=DBM, D,ULL,EIDVT,$VALUEH,$ip:$port
Note: The comma is the only delimiter. There is no space before or after a comma.
The name of the member in a procedure library that is used to start the server. The default name used during the host system configuration is DBGMGR.
D, U
Display the active users with a single, multi-line, EQACM104I console message. Message EQACM103I is issued if there are no active users. The user list shows the state of that user in the server.
User:IBMUSER  RegisterSocket(2) 
User:IBMUSR2 18354752 ProbeSocket(3) waits for register connection
User:IBMUSR3 25387329 ProbeSocket(5) waits for engine connection
User:IBMUSR4 24113603 Engine(4) connected to Probe(8)
EQACM103I There is no active user

The first message (for IBMUSER) indicates that the user is registered, but there is no debug activity. The second message (for IBMUSR2) indicates that a debug session is waiting for the user to register. The third message (for IBMUSR3) indicates that a debug session is being set up. The fourth message (for IBMUSR4) shows an active debug session for module EQATST.

LL,{E | I | D | V}
Control the detail level of the Debug Manager message log (DD SYSPRINT). The default is E. A message "LOGLEVEL command processed normally" is written to the console with message ID EQACM101I.
Value Description
E Error messages only (default)
I Error and informational messages
D Error, informational, and debug/dump messages
V Debug level and hex value of all packets of interest

Detailed tracing will cause performance degradations and should only be done under the direction of the IBM® support center.

The DBM check cycle value. The observed timeout is between $VALUE and two times of $VALUE. The value can be in the range 15 - 150 seconds and is integer only. The default value is 15.
This setting applies to pending debugging requests only. Established sessions that are already shown on the UI are not affected.
Change the primary node in sysplex. $ip is the IP address of the new node and $port is its port number. IP address can either be IPv4 or IPv6 IP address. The IPv6 IP address that you use must be enclosed in brackets, [ ], for example, H,[ ::1234:5678]:5337.