Customizing the keyboard

The Remote Connection Emulator provides several standard commands such as attn, clear, enter, newline, rule, and pf1-pf24. Each of these standard commands can be assigned to key sequences. The emulator also assigns the right Ctrl key to the enter command and the left Ctrl key to the reset command. You can also reassign these keys.

To customize the keyboard in the emulator:
  1. Click Keyboard Remap Keyboard Remap.
  2. To select modifiers and keys to assign to a command:
    1. Select up to three modifier keys: Alt, Ctrl, Shift.
      mac keyboards: The Alt key corresponds to ⌥ Option and the Ctrl key corresponds to ⌘ Command on mac keyboards.
    2. Select a main key from the list.
    3. Select a command to assign to the modifier-main key sequence.
  3. To change the default function of the left or right Ctrl key, select the checkbox for the key you want to change and then select a command from the list.
  4. Click Accept Keyboard Remap Changes.
macOS Limitations:
  • Remapping a key to eraseField, eraseInput, or insert might cause unexpected characters to be inserted in the entry field. To work around this limitation, remap these commands to the left ⌘ Command key or to any key on the Secondary keyboard secondary keyboard and use the secondary keyboard rather than the physical keyboard. Because the eraseInput and eraseField commands are already mapped to the secondary keyboard, you use secondary keys that are already defined for them.
  • If you click the Clear key, enter text in the Remote Connection Emulator window, and then press Enter, the emulator session is disconnected.


To assign the Alt+Ctrl+Insert key sequence to toggle the crosshair:
  1. Click Keyboard Remap Keyboard Remap.
  2. From the modifier key list, select Alt and Ctrl.
  3. From the main key list, select Insert.
  4. From the command list, select rule.
  5. Click Accept Keyboard Remap Changes.