Product enablement in IFAPRDxx

The host components of Developer for z/OS® are used by different products. When in doubt, contact the person responsible for the purchase of FMID HHOPxxx ( z/OS Explorer Extensions), or possibly your local IBM representative, to learn which product was purchased. With this information, you can select the correct product registration method, as pricing and available features differ for each of the following products, and the host components will register only as one of the possible products.
IBM Wazi for Red Hat CodeReady Workspaces (program number 5900-A8N)
The Wazi client enhances the functionality provided by z/OS Explorer. Activation of client features is managed by the client.
IBM Developer for z/OS (program number 5724-T07)
The Developer for z/OS client enhances the functionality of the Eclipse client provided by provided by IBM Wazi for Red Hat CodeReady Workspaces. Activation of client features is managed by the client.
IBM® Developer for z/OS Enterprise Edition (program number 5755-AC5)
The Developer for z/OS Enterprise Edition provides the same Eclipse client functionality as Developer for z/OS. However, activation of client features is managed by the host, and this product provides additional debug related capabilities, such as a 3270 interface, and additional clients.
IBM Application Delivery Foundation for z Systems® (program number 5655-AC6)
Application Delivery Foundation for z/OS provides Developer for z/OS Enterprise Edition, which is described earlier, combined with other products useful for z/OS application development activities.

Products to be enabled on z/OS are defined in SYS1.PARMLIB(IFAPRDxx). Define PROD=xx in the IEASYSxx parmlib member to specify which IFAPRDxx parmlib member should be used during IPL.

The Developer for z/OS host components will attempt to register using the following order of product definitions. The process stops on the first successful registration.

Specify the following in IFAPRDxx to define IBM Application Delivery Foundation for z/OS (product code 5655-AC6):
        VERSION(*) RELEASE(*) MOD(*)
Specify the following in IFAPRDxx to define IBM Developer for z/OS Enterprise Edition (product code 5755-AC5):
PRODUCT OWNER('IBM CORP')               
        NAME('IBM IDz EE')              
        VERSION(*) RELEASE(*) MOD(*)    
Specify the following in IFAPRDxx to define IBM Developer for z/OS (product code 5724-T07):
        NAME('IBM IDz')
        VERSION(*) RELEASE(*) MOD(*)
Specify the following in IFAPRDxx to define IBM Wazi for Red Hat CodeReady Workspaces (product code 5900-A8N):
        NAME('IBM Wazi Code') 
        VERSION(*) RELEASE(*) MOD(*) 
After the IFAPRDxx parmlib member is updated, it can be activated dynamically (until the next IPL) with the following console command:
Note: All product flavors of the host components register the following features:
  • FEL-RSED (for RSE daemon in z/OS Explorer Extensions, FMID HHOPxxx)
  • AKG-CC (for Code Coverage in z/OS Source Code Analysis, FMID HAKGxxx)
  • AKG-CR (for Code Review in z/OS Source Code Analysis, FMID HAKGxxx)

A product that is not defined in IFAPRDxx, or defined with STATE(DISABLED) or STATE(NOTDEFINED) will not be selected for registration. If none of the documented products is defined in IFAPRDxx, z/OS Explorer Extensions will only provide basic services for clients with a valid activation token.

If you change how a product is purchased, for example, you upgrade from using a stand-alone version to the IBM Application Delivery Foundation for z Systems product bundle, you must explicitly remove the existing product definition from the in-storage tables kept by z/OS when activating the new definition. Follow this scenario to do this dynamically (without IPL):
  1. In IFAPRDxx, define the new product as described before, and update the old product with STATE(DISABLED).
  2. Activate the update with operator command SET PROD=xx.
  3. Restart the RSED server to pick up the change.
  4. You can now safely remove the old product definition from IFAPRDxx.

IBM advises against defining IFAPRDxx entries that have NAME(*) or ID(*) fields, because this will result in ALL z/OS applications that utilize product registration to find a match on the first test, and adhere to the related STATE() definition. For z/OS Explorer Extensions with STATE(ENABLED), this means that the application will register as IBM Application Delivery Foundation for z Systems (product code 5655-AC6).