Class JesJobUtil

  • java.lang.Object
    • Field Summary

      Modifier and Type Field and Description
      static java.lang.String COPY_RIGHT 
      boolean defaultLogging 
    • Constructor Summary

      Constructor and Description
      JesJobUtil(IOSImage systemImage)
      Creates a JesJobUtil instance for the specified system.
    • Method Summary

      All Methods Instance Methods Concrete Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method and Description
      boolean didJobExecutionComplete(java.lang.String jobId)
      Determines whether the job with the specified job id has completed execution.
      boolean ensureJobExistence(java.lang.String jobId) getContents(java.lang.String jobId)
      Return the contents of the spool data sets associated with the specified job. getContents(java.lang.String jobId, java.lang.String stepnameDdname)
      Return the contents of the spool data set associated with the specified stepname/ddname and job.
      java.lang.String getContentString(java.lang.String jobId)
      The same as IJESJobUtilExtension.getContents(String) except returns a String.
      java.lang.String getContentString(java.lang.String jobId, java.lang.String ddName)
      The same as IJESJobUtilExtension.getContents(String, String) except returns a String.
      JESJob getJESJob(java.lang.String jobId)
      Find a JESJob object given it's job id. getJobContents(java.lang.String jobId)
      Return the contents of the spool data sets associated with the specified job. getJobContents(java.lang.String jobId, java.lang.String ddName)
      Return the contents of the spool data set associated with the specified stepname/ddname and job.
      java.util.List<java.lang.String> getJobDDNames(java.lang.String jobId)
      Return a list containing the stepnames/ddnames identifying the spool data sets associated with a specific JES job.
      java.lang.String getJobReturnCode(java.lang.String jobId)
      Get the return code for the job identified by jobId.
      java.lang.String getJobReturnInfo(java.lang.String jobId) 
      boolean hasJobFinishedExecuting(java.lang.String jobId)
      Determines whether the job with the specified job id has finished execution.
      boolean isConnected()
      Determines whether the system associated with this IJESJobUtil instance is connected.
      java.lang.String purge(java.lang.String jobID) 
      java.lang.String submit(java.lang.Object resource)
      Submits the specified resource to the system associated with this IJESJobUtil instance.
    • Field Detail

      • defaultLogging

        public boolean defaultLogging
    • Constructor Detail

      • JesJobUtil

        public JesJobUtil(IOSImage systemImage)
        Creates a JesJobUtil instance for the specified system.
        systemImage - system associated with this utility instance
    • Method Detail

      • isConnected

        public boolean isConnected()
        Description copied from interface: IJESJobUtil
        Determines whether the system associated with this IJESJobUtil instance is connected.
        Specified by:
        isConnected in interface IJESJobUtil
        true if connected, false otherwise
      • hasJobFinishedExecuting

        public boolean hasJobFinishedExecuting(java.lang.String jobId)
        Description copied from interface: IJESJobUtil
        Determines whether the job with the specified job id has finished execution.
        Specified by:
        hasJobFinishedExecuting in interface IJESJobUtil
        jobId - the job id to check
        true if the job has finished, false if still running
      • ensureJobExistence

        public boolean ensureJobExistence(java.lang.String jobId)
      • submit

        public java.lang.String submit(java.lang.Object resource)
                                throws java.lang.Exception
        Description copied from interface: IJESJobUtil
        Submits the specified resource to the system associated with this IJESJobUtil instance. The contents of the resource should be JCL.
        Specified by:
        submit in interface IJESJobUtil
        resource - the resource object to be submitted; the resource can be a data set member or a workstation file
        the job id as a result of the submit operation, or null if the job id returned by the server is not valid
        java.lang.Exception - if job submit fails
      • getJobContents

        public getJobContents(java.lang.String jobId)
                                           throws OperationFailedException
        Description copied from interface: IJESJobUtil
        Return the contents of the spool data sets associated with the specified job. The job is identified by the job id which is returned by submit().
        Specified by:
        getJobContents in interface IJESJobUtil
        jobId - the job id whose contents are to be returned
        the contents of the JES job spool data sets, or null if job contents are not available. Contents are encoded as UTF-8 bytes.
        OperationFailedException - if the job associated with job id cannot be found or if the job has not finished executing
      • getJobContents

        public getJobContents(java.lang.String jobId,
                                                  java.lang.String ddName)
                                           throws OperationFailedException
        Description copied from interface: IJESJobUtil
        Return the contents of the spool data set associated with the specified stepname/ddname and job.

        The job is identified by the job id which is returned by submit().

        The stepname/ddname is of the form STEPNAME.DDNAME, or simply DDNAME if no stepname applies. This is the same form as returned by IJESJobUtil.getJobDDNames(String).

        Specified by:
        getJobContents in interface IJESJobUtil
        jobId - the job id which identifies the JES job whose contents are to be returned
        ddName - the stepname/ddname
        the contents of the JES job spool data set, or null if job output is not available. Contents are encoded as UTF-8 bytes.
        OperationFailedException - if the job associated with jobId cannot be found or if the job has not finished executing
      • getJobDDNames

        public java.util.List<java.lang.String> getJobDDNames(java.lang.String jobId)
                                                       throws OperationFailedException
        Description copied from interface: IJESJobUtil
        Return a list containing the stepnames/ddnames identifying the spool data sets associated with a specific JES job.

        The job is identified by the job id which is returned by submit().

        The stepnames/ddnames are of the form STEPNAME.DDNAME, or simply DDNAME if no stepname applies.

        Specified by:
        getJobDDNames in interface IJESJobUtil
        jobId - the job id which identifies the JES job whose spool data set DDNames are to be returned
        a list containing the DDNames of the spool data sets for the specified job
        OperationFailedException - if the job associated with jobId cannot be found or if the job has not finished executing
      • getJESJob

        public JESJob getJESJob(java.lang.String jobId)
                         throws OperationFailedException
        Find a JESJob object given it's job id.
        jobId - - the job id of the job to be found and returned
        the JES job with an id matching the input parameter or null if no such job can be found
      • getJobReturnCode

        public java.lang.String getJobReturnCode(java.lang.String jobId)
                                          throws OperationFailedException
        Description copied from interface: IJESJobUtil
        Get the return code for the job identified by jobId. The most common conventional values are: U0000 = all OK U0004 = minor errors or problems U0008 = significant errors or problems U0012 = major errors or problems, the results (e.g. files or reports produced) should not be trusted. U0016 = very serious problems, do not use the results!
        Specified by:
        getJobReturnCode in interface IJESJobUtil
        jobId - the Job Id whose return code is to be returned
        the return code assigned to the job by the remote system or null if no return code has been assigned
        OperationFailedException - if the job associated with jobId cannot be found or if the job has not finished executing
      • getContents

        public getContents(java.lang.String jobId)
                                        throws OperationFailedException
        Description copied from interface: IJESJobUtilExtension
        Return the contents of the spool data sets associated with the specified job. The job is identified by the job id which is returned by submit().

        The same as IJESJobUtil.getJobContents(String) except contents are returned in the default workbench encoding.

        Specified by:
        getContents in interface IJESJobUtilExtension
        jobId - the job id whose contents are to be returned
        the contents of the JES job spool data sets, or null if job contents are not available
        OperationFailedException - if the job associated with job id cannot be found or if the job has not finished executing
      • getContents

        public getContents(java.lang.String jobId,
                                               java.lang.String stepnameDdname)
                                        throws OperationFailedException
        Description copied from interface: IJESJobUtilExtension
        Return the contents of the spool data set associated with the specified stepname/ddname and job.

        The job is identified by the job id which is returned by submit().

        The stepname/ddname is of the form STEPNAME.DDNAME, or simply DDNAME if no stepname applies. This is the same form as returned by IJESJobUtil.getJobDDNames(String).

        The same as IJESJobUtil.getJobContents(String, String) except contents are returned in the default workbench encoding.

        Specified by:
        getContents in interface IJESJobUtilExtension
        jobId - the job id which identifies the JES job whose contents are to be returned
        stepnameDdname - the stepname/ddname
        the contents of the JES job spool data set, or null if job output is not available
        OperationFailedException - if the job associated with jobId cannot be found or if the job has not finished executing
      • didJobExecutionComplete

        public boolean didJobExecutionComplete(java.lang.String jobId)
                                        throws JESJobNotFoundException
        Description copied from interface: IJESJobUtil
        Determines whether the job with the specified job id has completed execution.
        Specified by:
        didJobExecutionComplete in interface IJESJobUtil
        jobId - the job id to check
        true if the job has finished, false if still running
        JESJobNotFoundException - if the job associated with job id cannot be found or if the job has already been purged
      • purge

        public java.lang.String purge(java.lang.String jobID)
                               throws java.lang.Exception