Resolving p2 installation problems with the Engineering Workflow Management integration

Installing IBM® Developer for z/OS® with the IBM Engineering Workflow Management version 7.0.1 client and the IBM Engineering Workflow Management Integration for Developer for z/OS by using the Eclipse p2 provisioning platform, causes a Repository Connection Failed message when you attempt to connect to the Engineering Workflow Management server. To diagnose and resolve this problem, follow these instructions.


After installing Developer for z/OS with the Engineering Workflow Management version 7.0.1 client and the Engineering Workflow Management Integration for Developer for z/OS by using the Eclipse p2 provisioning platform, the connection to the Engineering Workflow Management server fails with these messages:


Windows 10 Professional and MacOS Catalina operating systems.

Resolving the problem

Add the -clean runtime option to the eclipse.ini file on Windows or to the developer_for_zos.ini file on MacOS and restart Developer for z/OS.

The eclipse.ini file is located in the root folder of the Developer for z/OS installation path, for example, c:\Program Files\IBM\SDP\eclipse.ini on Windows or <User Specified Install Directory>/IBM Developer for on MacOS. The following is an example of the eclipse.ini file with the -clean runtime option:

-vm jdk/jre/bin/javaw
-startup plugins/org.eclipse.equinox.launcher_1.5.0.v20180512-1130.jar
--launcher.library plugins/org.eclipse.equinox.launcher.win32.win32.x86_64_1.1.700.v20180518-1200
-install C:/Program Files/IBM/SDP