Debugging programs compiled with IBM Open Enterprise SDK for Go

IBM Open Enterprise SDK for Go is an industry-standard Go compiler that you can use to build Go programs for the z/OS platform. IBM® z/OS® Debugger supports debugging programs compiled with Open Enterprise SDK for Go 1.21 and 1.22.

Note: Go programs are currently not supported in IBM Z® Open Debug that is provided in Wazi for VS Code and Wazi for Dev Spaces.

go build command

With each go build action, the Go compiler creates a single load module that includes all runtime package functions required to run the application packages. The Go compiler and assembler produce DWARF debugging data by default, which is embedded as NOLOAD (no load) classes in the resulting program object. You cannot produce a separate DWARF side file.

The go build command passes arguments to the underlying compiler, assembler, and linker tools by using the following options:
-gcflags Compiler flags
-dwarf=true is required and specified as the default.
-dwarflocationlists=true is required and specified as the default.
-asmflags Assembler flags
No assembler options affect the debugger.
-ldflags Linker flags
Do not specify -s because it disables the generation of the DWARF symbol table.
Do not specify -w because it disables the embedding of DWARF information in the program object.

Debugging a Go program

The Go build process produces a Language Environment-enabled program object with entry point _rt0_s390x_zos. To debug a Go program object, you must use the Language Environment® TEST option.

Go programs only run under UNIX System Services.
  1. You can use the following shell script called dtrun to debug:
    export GOMAXPROCS=1
    Note: This shell script assumes that you have logged on to the z/OS system with the Remote System Explorer, and that Debug Manager is activated on the system. If Debug Manager is not available, you can code the TEST option as TEST(ERROR,*,PROMPT,TCPIP&your.ip.address%your-debug-port:*).
  2. Invoke the debugger for your Go program. You can use the following command to run the shell script:
    dtrun hello
    The debugger starts at the main Language Environment entry point. For all Go programs, the entry point is the function runtime._rt0_s390x_zos.
  3. To proceed to your application code, set an entry breakpoint and click Resume. You can use the Modules view in the Eclipse IDE to set the breakpoint.
    For example, to set an entry breakpoint for main.main in the Go program object hello2, complete the following steps:
    Example to set an entry breakpoint
    1. Expand the Go program object.
    2. Expand the main compile unit.
    3. Expand the source file where the main function is defined.
    4. Right-click main.main and select Set Entry Breakpoint.

Debug features that are not supported for Go programs

  • Compiled code coverage
  • Delay debug
  • Debug console commands
  • Conditional breakpoints
  • Load breakpoints
  • Source entry breakpoints
  • Watch breakpoints
  • Actions on breakpoints
  • Stop at all function entries
  • Run to location
  • Jump to location
  • Hover
  • Automonitor filter
  • Playback
  • Visual debugging

Go features that are not supported in debugging

  • cgo
  • Go assembler
  • Debugging artifacts of go test
  • Channel expressions
  • Expressions containing Go functions
  • Go application code that runs in more than one thread. If you set GOMAXPROCS=1, z/OS Debugger can debug your whole application. Otherwise, any code running in a thread other than the initial one is not debugged.

Known issues and limitations

  • Expression evaluation for non-top stack frame local (auto) variables is not supported.
  • STEP OVER might behave like STEP INTO when the callee is inlined.
  • For programs complied with IBM Open Enterprise SDK for Go 1.20, due to the compiler's code generation change, the debugger might stop in the Go runtime routine instead of stepping into a function properly. The work around is to set an entry breakpoint in the function that is called.
For more information about known issues and limitations for IBM Open Enterprise SDK for Go, see Known issues and limitations.