Generating a PDF report

You can export code coverage results in a PDF report.


  1. In the Code Coverage Results view, select the result that you want to export, right-click and select Export.
    The Coverage Result Export window opens. When you select multiple results, the results are merged and then exported as a single result.
  2. From the Export Format drop-down list, select PDF.
    To change export properties, click Settings. For more information, see Setting PDF Properties.
  3. Specify a result location:
    • To export to a local directory, select Local from the Connection list. In the Location field, type the file path or use Browse to select a file.
    • To export to a remote location, select an existing remote location from the Connection list or use New to create one. In the Location field, type the remote directory or use Browse to select a directory from the remote location.
    The Coverage Result Export window will remember the destination that you specify after you complete exporting.
  4. Enter the result file name or use the default name.
    Note: Specify the name of the result file, or leave the field blank to stay with the default name. The file name cannot contain special characters. In addition, avoid using the forward slash (/).
    The file extension will be automatically added based on the format that you select for exporting the results.
  5. Specify an Executable Line Filter and select whether the filter is a regular expression. Specifying a filter generates a report that includes only executable lines that match the given string filter. This filter does not apply to files, flow point, and module names.
  6. Optional: Select the Open PDF upon completion checkbox to open the generated PDF report automatically with the default PDF viewer on your system upon completion.
  7. Click Finish to export the results.

    If the selected results contain files that have the same name but different content, the merged result report might be inaccurate. A warning message is displayed for you to confirm merging the results or cancel the request.


When the result exporting is done, you can find the PDF report in the result location that you specified.