Configuring the logging framework

You must configure the logging framework to specify how to gather the DBB debug information.

Beginning in DBB V2.0.0, the DBB toolkit uses the Simple Logging Facade for Java (SLF4J), which provides an abstraction layer enabling you to choose the logging framework (see "Changing logging frameworks" below). By default, DBB uses the SLF4J provided Simple Logger.

Configuring the SLF4J Simple Logger

You configure the Simple Logger by providing a file in the Java™ class path. A sample file is provided in $DBB_CONF/logging/. You can edit the file there, or copy it to your own directory and edit it.

Configure to gather DBB debug information as follows. For standard log levels and other options that are built into SimpleLogger, see

  • Option 1 (Recommended): Set a logging level lower than DEBUG and set what to trace for DBB

    In the sample file, the logging level is set to WARN, which is adequate for most cases, and DBB tracing options are listed but marked as comments. To enable tracing with a non-debug logging level, for example, org.slf4j.simpleLogger.defaultLogLevel=warn, you must uncomment the corresponding lines according to your need. For example, you can enable all tracing options for DBB as follows:

    # Uncomment to enable tracing for build commands
    # Uncomment to enable tracing for build report generation
    # Uncomment to enable tracing for dependency scanning and resolution
    # Uncomment to enable tracing for metadata creation and storing
  • Option 2: Set the logging level to DEBUG or higher

    Note that with org.slf4j.simpleLogger.defaultLogLevel=debug or a higher logging level, you get debug information from the entire application rather than from the designated packages. It might be overwhelming and make it difficult to spot the needed trace statements.

Enabling logging with SLF4J Simple Logger

You can enable logging in one of three ways depending on where your configured file is located.

  • Located in $DBB_CONF/logging

    Pass the -Dorg.slf4j.simpleLogger argument to groovyz. This automatically adds $DBB_CONF/logging to the end of the Java class path.

    For example, enter the following command:

   $DBB_HOME/bin/groovyz -Dorg.slf4j.simpleLogger build.groovy . . . 
  • Copied to your own directory

    Add the directory to the optional groovyz class path.

    For example, if the file is copied to /u/usr1/config/, enter the following command:

   $DBB_HOME/bin/groovyz -classpath /u/usr1/config/ build.groovy . . .
  • Located in the directory from which you launched $DBB_HOME/bin/groovyz

    Both Java and Groovy consider the directory in which the Java or Groovy process is started from as the current directory, which is automatically added to the classpath. If your configured file is located in the current directory, then logging is enabled automatically and no other action needs to be taken.

Changing logging frameworks

To change the logging framework that SLF4J is configured to use, replace the DBB_HOME/lib/slf4j-simple-*.jar file with another wrapped implementation from of the same version as the DBB_HOME/lib/slf4j-api-*.jar file.

Logging configuration is entirely dependent on the framework chosen.