Metadata store

Build metadata is information that DBB creates and stores during the build process both for use in future build processes as well as reporting the results of a build. Beginning in DBB v2.0.0, the Liberty Web Application that was used to access the build metadata in earlier DBB versions and its corresponding RepositoryClient toolkit APIs have been replaced with the new MetadataStore toolkit APIs. These new toolkit APIs now directly access the DBB build metadata that is stored either in Db2® databases or on the z/OS® UNIX System Services (USS) file system without the need of an intermediate web application connection.

The metadata store APIs enable you to manage the dependency collections, build results, and build maps created during a DBB build process. These concepts and how they are used by DBB are explained in more detail at

DBB metadata command line interface (CLI)

The DBB CLI provides simple, easy-to-use access to the DBB build metadata without the need to write and run custom DBB Groovy utility scripts. Primarily targeted for build engineers and developers who need to debug and clean up topic branch build metadata, the DBB CLI provides read and delete access to the build metadata. For more information, see Metadata store command-line interface.

Creating a metadata store connection

DBB provides the MetadataStoreFactory class in the package, which is used to create a MetadataStore instance to connect to the back end metadata store implementation. DBB provides two metadata store implementation connections:

z/OS UNIX file system metadata store connection

DBB provides an "out of the box" implementation for early prototyping and testing DBB. The z/OS UNIX file system metadata store eliminates the need to set up an IBM Db2 database and instead stores DBB metadata and query indexes on the z/OS UNIX file system in JSON files.

IMPORTANT: NOT TO BE USED FOR PRODUCTION. It does not scale well for applications larger than 1000 source files. The Db2 metadata store is recommended when DBB is used in production.

Creating a z/OS file system metadata store connection

You simply need to enter the following command:

MetadataStore metadataStore = MetadataStoreFactory.createFileMetadataStore()

By default, this command creates a new z/OS UNIX directory at $USER/.dbb, where all of the DBB metadata will then be stored and accessed for the current user that runs the build process on z/OS UNIX.

Alternatively you can provide an alternative location:

File metadataStoreLocation = new File(/u/builder/shared/dbb/metadata")
MetadataStore metadataStore = MetadataStoreFactory.createFileMetadataStore(metadataStoreLocation)

In this case, the DBB metadata stored is created at /u/builder/shared/dbb/metadata/.dbb to allow access by other application developers on the development team. RACF® access must have been configured correctly for others to access it.

Db2 metadata store connection

DBB 2.0 now provides direct connections for storing and accessing DBB build metadata from the DBB toolkit on z/OS UNIX to either Db2 for Z and Db2 for LUW databases without the need to deploy a Liberty Web Application. Before you can use the Db2 metadata store API to store and access DBB build metadata directly on IBM Db2, some setup and configuration is required:

Creating an IBM Db2 metadata store connection

The DBB MetadataStoreFactory class provides several ways to create a Db2 metadata store connection depending on how your Db2 database server is configured for client connections. Most if not all Db2 JDBC driver connections require a user ID and password. Because DBB is often run in a batch environment, a clear text password is not acceptable. If a Db2 password is required to make a secure Db2 connection, all DBB Db2 connections require the user to provide either a location of a DBB encrypted password file created by the DBB password file utility or a password string argument that has been encrypted by using the same utility.

For more information, see Encrypting metadata store passwords.

Basic Db2 connection

As shown above, if your Db2 server is set up by using a basic configuration, DBB provides a simple way to create the connection with just the Db2 server URL, user ID, and either the location of a password file or an encrypted password string argument:

String url = "jdbc:db2://"
String id = "USER1"
File pwFile = new File("/user1/build/user1.txt")
MetadataStore metadataStore = MetadataStoreFactory.createDb2MetadataStore(url, id, pwFile)
Advanced configured Db2 connection

DBB also gives you full control over how to create the Db2 connection by providing APIs that allow you to pass in Db2 connection properties including advanced security mechanisms. A sample file that shows some Db2 connection configuration properties is located at $DBB_HOME/conf/db2Connection.conf.

// load the Db2 connection properties
File db2ConnectionFile = new File("/usr/lpp/IBM/dbb/conf/db2Connection.conf")
Properties db2ConnectionProps = new Properties()

// create a configured connection
String id = "USER1"
File pwFile = new File("/user1/build/user1.txt")
MetadataStore metadataStore = MetadataStoreFactory.createDb2MetadataStore(id, pwFile, db2ConnectionProps)