Modifying ignore changes specifications
You can update an ignore changes specification, which is a list of object changes that are to be ignored during the compare process.
To modify ignore changes specifications:
- On the DB2 Object Comparison Tool Menu (GOCMENU) panel, specify option 4, and press Enter.
On the Specify Compare Ignores
(GOC4) panel, specify one of the following
sets of information:
Edit preference Fields to specify To edit the specification as a list: Under Ignore Changes Specification, specify an owner and name for the existing ignore changes specification and specify YES for Edit Ignore Changes Specification. To edit the compare result with the ignore changes marked: Under Saved Compare Results, specify an owner and name for the saved result, and specify YES for Display using a saved compare result . Figure 1. Specify Compare Ignores (GOC4) panel Compare ----------------- Specify Compare Ignores ---------------------- Option ===> Ignore Fields Specification: Owner . . > (? to look up) Name . . > (? to look up) Data Set: Data Set Name . . Options: Edit Ignore Fields Specification . . . NO (Yes/No) Ignore Changes Specification: Owner . . . . OWN1 > (? to look up) Name . . . . NEW1 > (? to look up) Edit Ignore Changes Specification . . .YES (Yes/No) Display using a saved compare result . . NO (Yes/No) Saved Compare Results: Owner . . . . OWN1 > (? to look up) Name . . . . ISPEC01 > (? to look up)
If you specified YES for Edit Ignore Changes
Specification, modify the list as needed on the Ignored Changes List
(ADBPCICL) panel:
Figure 2. Ignored Changes List (ADBPCICL) panel ADBPCICL ------------------ Ignored Changes List --------------------- Row 1 to 14 of 30 Command ===> Scroll ===> PAGE Ignored changes for "OWN1"."ICSPEC01" Line commands: D - Delete Target Target Sel T Qual Name Attribute Additional Info --- -- --------> ------------------> --------------- -----------------> DB23367 TS23367A BUFFERPOOL TB VNDRG TB23367 Data type LAHMANID TB VNDRG TB23367 Data type DATE_YYYY
You can add object changes or delete an object change that is listed. When you add object changes, those changes are ignored. Ignored changes are not applied to the target objects.
To add an object change, add the object type and name in the blank line below the column headings and before the listed change objects. Use the wildcard character (*) in the Target Qualifier or Target Name column to indicate that all changes for matching objects are to be ignored. For example, if you specify new*, objects that meet the wildcard specification new* are still processed; however, all changes for these objects are ignored. If the qualifier or name does not include a wildcard character, the wildcard character (*) is appended to the qualifier or name. If the Target Qualifier or Target Name column is blank, an asterisk ('*') is substituted.
- If you specified YES for Display using a saved compare result , use the line commands to modify the ignore changes as needed on the Compare Report (ADBPCRR) panel. See step 4 in Creating ignore changes specifications.