Compare report format

The information that is contained in the compare report can vary based on the options selected on the Specify Compare Reporting Options (GOC5RO) panel.

Note: The comparison process only reports the changes that are necessary to upgrade target objects to match source objects. No actual changes are made. For information about implementing the changes, see Running a work statement list to apply changes.
The report can contain any of the following information:
The report might also include the following messages:
  • (E) Error message
  • (W) Warning message
  • (I) Informational message

These messages can contain return codes, which provide additional context based on your situation.

Mask information

If you specified that you want translation masks included in the report (by setting the Translation masks option to YES on the Specify Compare Reporting Options (GOC5RO) panel), the report includes a listing of translation masks, as shown in the following example:


 OWNER    : AAA*                          , BBB*
 OWNER    : TESTSYS                       , PRODOWN
 GRANTEE  : TESTX                         , PRODOWN
 AUTHID   : VNDOJK2                       , VNDR230
 TBNAME   : TAB1*                         , XXTAB*
 NAME     : VNDOJK2                       , VNDR230
 DBNAME   : DB01                          , PRODDB
 DBNAME   : RRR8D81A                      , TTT8D81A
 SGNAME   : TESTG                         , PRODG
 BPNAME   : BP1                           , BP4
 TSBPNAME : BP0                           , BP1
 IXBPNAME : BP0                           , BP2

 Processed top down. First mask that fits a name of a given type will be used

 NAME    will cover all NAME types except COLNAME

Ignore field information

If you specified that you want certain ignore fields included in the report (by using the Ignore fields: options on Specify Compare Reporting Options (GOC5RO) panel), the report includes a listing of the selected ignores, as shown in the following example:


 Only user requested ignore fields are reported

                   FREEPAGE(U), PCTFREE(U), SECQTYI(U)
                   FREEPAGE(U), PCTFREE(U), SECQTYI(U)

Source and target information

The report includes information about the extraction of source and target objects, as shown in the following example:


           Source: VIEW ADDED, FULL REPORT
                   Extracted from location *FROM DDL FILE*  at 2006-06-10 09:16 by UNKNOWN

                   Extracted from DSN8 at 2006-06-10 09:16 by VNDR230

These lines report the following information:

  • Input for the extraction of the source and target objects.

    If the objects were extracted from a Db2 catalog, this value is the Db2 subsystem ID. If the objects were extracted from a file with saved DDL statements, this value is *FROM DDL FILE*.

  • When the extract was performed
  • Who performed the extract

    This value is listed as UNKNOWN if the user ID is not known.

  • Any free-form text that was added when the source or target version file was created through the ISPF full-screen interface.

If long names are used, authorization IDs or names can span lines. Object Comparison Tool tries not to split an authorization ID or a name across lines, if possible.

Compare results

After the source and target extraction information, the report includes the results of the comparison. If Only changed objects = YES on Specify Compare Reporting Options (GOC5RO) panel, the report contains only those objects that are changed, deleted, dropped, or dropped and re-created. Otherwise, the report contains all objects that were compared.

The order of items in the report depends on the value of the Object processing order field on the Options for Change Functions (ADB2PCO) panel:

  • If Object processing order = T (Object type), the report displays results for objects sorted by type. For example, the report might display all databases, followed by all table spaces, followed by all tables.
  • If Object processing order = H (Database hierarchy), which is the default value, the report displays results for all object types grouped by database. In this hierarchical format, each database is followed by objects in that database. For example, table spaces in a database are listed after the database, tables in a table space are listed after the table space, and indexes over each table are listed after the table. This order has some exceptions. For example, temporal tables and history tables follow all databases, because they need to be processed after all table spaces are processed.

The comparison results include one or more of the following items:

Added objects
The objects that are not found in the target are reported as added objects. For example:
 View VNDR230.VDEPTS not found on target
   New View VNDR230.VDEPTS will be added
   Authorisations for View VNDR230.VDEPTS will be copied from source
Dropped objects
The objects that are not found in the source are reported as dropped objects. For example:
View VNDR230.VDEPMG1 not found on source
   View VNDR230.VDEPMG1 will be dropped
Compared objects
For compared objects, the following sequence of information is reported:
  • Object identification

    The object type and object names of source and target objects are listed. The object names are listed with no masks applied.

  • Differences
    If differences are found, they are reported individually. The report indicates how the target object will be changed to match the source object by one of the following strings:
    An ALTER operation can be used.
    The object needs to be dropped and re-created.
For example:
Compare tablespace source(DB33971.TS33971A) and target(DB33971.TS33971A)                          
    (A)Field NUMPARTS changed from 3 to 4                                                         
  Tablespace will be altered
Tip: Start of changeIf the report includes unexpected changes to bind options for trigger packages, you might need to rebind some packages. For detailed information, see Troubleshooting: The Compare report shows changes to bind options for trigger packages.End of change


If you specified that you want a summary included in the report (by setting the Summary report option to YES on the Specify Compare Reporting Options (GOC5RO) panel), this section is included, as shown in the following example:


 Obtyp Source Object                 Target Object                    Result               Object type
 ----- ----------------------------  -------------------------------  -------------------- ------------
 S     RRR8D81A.DSN8S81D             TTT8D81A.DSN8S81D                No change            Tablespace
  T     VNDR230.DEPT                  VNDR230.DEPT                    No change            Table
   X     VNDR230.XDEPT1                VNDR230.XDEPT1                 No change            Index
   X     VNDR230.XDEPT2                VNDR230.XDEPT2                 No change            Index
   X     VNDR230.XDEPT3                VNDR230.XDEPT3                 No change            Index
   R     RDD                           RDD                            No change            Relation
   R     RDE                           RDE                            No change            Relation
 V     VNDR230.VASTRDE1              VNDR230.VASTRDE1                 No change            View
 V     VNDR230.VASTRDE2              VNDR230.VASTRDE2                 No change            View
 V     VNDR230.VDEPMG1               VNDR230.VDEPMG1                  No change            View
 V     VNDR230.VDEPT                 VNDR230.VDEPT                    No change            View
 V     VNDR230.VDEPTS                                                 Added                View
 V     VNDR230.VEMPDPT1              VNDR230.VEMPDPT1                 No change            View
 V     VNDR230.VHDEPT                VNDR230.VHDEPT                   No change            View
 V     VNDR230.VPHONE                VNDR230.VPHONE                   No change            View
 ----- ----------------------------  -------------------------------  -------------------- ------------

This section summarizes the actions that will be taken to modify the object or an indication that no change to the object was detected. It contains one line for each object that was compared and the result of the comparison. If long names are used, they will continue on the next line in the report, in the same column and with the same indentation.

Count report

If you specified that you want a count report included (by setting the Object count report option to YES on the Specify Compare Reporting Options (GOC5RO) panel), this section lists the number of objects that were processed per object type, as shown in the following example:


 Object type          On source   On target   Compared    Added       Dropped     Altered    Not Added  Recreated
 ------------------   ----------  ----------  ----------  ----------  ----------  ---------- ---------- ---------- 
 Tablespaces                   1           1           1           0           0           0          0          0      
 Tables                        1           1           1           0           0           0          0          0    
 Indexes                       3           3           3           0           0           0          0          0
 Views                         8           7           7           1           0           0          0          0
 Relations                     2           2           2           0           0           0          0          0

It groups all objects by type and reports the number of objects on the source and on the target. The count report also lists the number of objects compared, added or not added (on source only), and dropped (if on target only). You can also see how many objects from the compared objects were altered and how many were dropped and recreated.