Batch job parameters for utility jobs

When you run utilities, you can change some of the batch job parameters, such as the JOB card, the EXEC statement parameters, the ADBTEP2 parameters, and the space parameters.

Changing these parameters can be done when running utilities on tables spaces, tables, or indexes. When you specify BP on the Table Space Utilities (ADB2US) panel, the Tables Utilities (ADB2UT) panel, or the Index Utilities (ADB2UX) panel, the Batch Job Utility Parameters (ADB2UPA) panel is displayed:

Figure 1. Batch Job Utility Parameters (ADB2UPA) panel
Start of change
ADB2UPA n -------------- DD1A Batch Job Utility Parameters -------------- 12:10
Command ===>                                                                   
Generate Job Card  . . . YES  (Yes/No)                   DB2 System: DD1A      
 Job cards:                                              DB2 SQL ID: ADM001   
  ===> //J148286D JOB (ACCTINFO,ICE,ICE,ICE),'DB2 UTILITY',CLASS=B,          
  ===> //   MSGCLASS=H,MSGLEVEL=(1,1),NOTIFY=ACCTINFO,TIME=(,30),               
  ===> //   REGION=0M                                                          
 Generate Job CLASS  . . NO   (Yes/No)     JOB CLASS . . . . . . .             
  ===> S=SY4A                                                                  

CM Batch EXEC statement parameters:
  Add SSID parameter . . YES      (Yes/No)
  Add PLAN parameter . . YES      (Yes/No)
  Additional parameters to add to CM Batch JCL EXEC statement:
  Restart  . . . . . . .          (Yes/No/Force)                                     
  Maxerrors  . . . . . . 88       (-1 to 99)                                   
  BindError  . . . . . . IGNORE   (MAXE, Save or Ignore)                       
  Log DIAG . . . . . . . YES      (Yes/No)                                     
  AutoCheck  . . . . . . YES      (Yes/No)                                     
  LOAD Summary Report    YES      (Yes/No)                                     
  Auto Rebuild . . . . . YES      (Yes/No)                                     
  Auto Reorg . . . . . . YES      (Yes/No)                                     
  Advisory Auto Rebuild  YES      (Yes/No)                                     
  Advisory Auto Reorg    YES      (Yes/No)                                     
  Auto Reorg/Rebuild                                                           
  after STOGROUP change. YES      (Yes/No) 
  Preserve tablespace                         
  access state . . . . . YES       (Yes/No)
  LOB/XML IC Unload  . . U        (Error, Use base data)                       
  Missing IC Unload  . . U        (Error, Use base data)                       
  Spanned  . . . . . . .          (Yes/No)                                     
  DB2 Pending Changes options:                                                 
    Check at DROP  . . . NO       (Yes/No)   
  Use DSNTPSMP . . . . . YES      (Yes/No)  
  Timeout Retries  . . . 0        (0 to 99 times) 
  Timeout Wait Time  . . 120      (1 to 3600 secs)
  Retry Deprecated Obj . YES      (Yes/No)   
  Use ADBSYSPT DD  . . . YES       (Yes/No)       
Space parameters:                                                              
  Unit name  . . . . . . SYSALLDA                                              
  Space unit . . . . . . TRK      (BLK, TRK, CYL or 4096-32760)                
  Max Primary  . . . . . 65535    (In above units, 99999999 or blank)          
                                   In KB: 3145680                              
  Max DASD . . . . . . . 65535    (In above units. Allocations beyond this     
                                   are sent to tape) In KB: 3145680            
  Tape Unit  . . . . . . TAPE     (Unit for tape if size is greater            
                                   than Max DASD) 
    Additional tape                            
      parameters . . . .                       
  Calc space . . . . . . YES       (Yes/No)                                    
Default space allocation if unable to calculate:                               
  Primary alloc  . . . . 30       (In above units)                             
  Secondary alloc  . . . 30       (In above units)                             
Function-specific parameters:                                                  
  Unload pct  . . . ===> 0        (0-99 - % increase for converted data set)   
End of change

The Batch Job Utility Parameters (ADB2UPA) panel has the following options:

Generate Job Card
Specify whether you want to generate the JOB card. If you choose to generate a JOB card, you can also generate the CLASS parameter. If you specify a JOB CLASS, the last line of the JOB card must end with a comma, because Db2 Admin Tool adds an additional line to the JOB card for the JOB CLASS.
Generate Job CLASS
Specify whether you want to generate the CLASS parameter. If you specify YES, you can specify a JOB CLASS to override the JOB CLASS that is specified by the installation.
Specify a JOBPARM statement. If JOBPARM is not specified on this panel, Db2 Admin Tool adds a line for the installation-specified JOBPARM.
CM Batch EXEC statement parameters
Customize the following JCL parameters for invoking CM batch:
Add SSID parameter
Specify whether to add the SSID parameter to the EXEC statement. YES is the default value.
Add PLAN parameter
Specify whether to add the PLAN parameter to the EXEC statement. YES is the default value.
Additional parameters to add to CM Batch JCL EXEC statement
Specify additional parameters to add to the EXEC statement. The CM Batch JCL procedure must be predefined to accept any additional JCL procedure parameters.

Use the syntax: parameter_name=value, where parameter_name is the name of the parameter and value is its value.

The following examples illustrate how you might customize the CM batch JCL parameters and the resulting JCL EXEC statements.

Example 1: Suppose that you specify the following parameters on the Batch Job Utility Parameters (ADB2UPA) panel:

Add SSID parameter . . YES (Yes,No)
Add PLAN parameter . . YES (Yes,No)
Additional parameters to add to CM Batch JCL EXEC statement:  
The following JCL EXEC statement is generated:
// SSID=DSNA,              
Example 2: Suppose that you specify the following parameters on the Batch Job Utility Parameters (ADB2UPA) panel:

Add SSID parameter . . NO (Yes,No)
Add PLAN parameter . . NO (Yes,No)
Additional parameters to add to CM Batch JCL EXEC statement:  
The following JCL EXEC statement is generated:
JCL EXEC statement used to invoke CM Batch:
Example 3: Suppose that you specify the following parameters on the Batch Job Utility Parameters (ADB2UPA) panel:

Add SSID parameter . . NO  (Yes,No)
Add PLAN parameter . . NO  (Yes,No)
Additional parameters to add to CM Batch JCL EXEC statement:
    ===> PROFILE=DSNA  
    ===> PROFILE2=ABC                                                     
The following JCL EXEC statement is generated:
JCL EXEC statement used to invoke CM Batch:
Customize options for the batch restart program, ADBTEP2.

The fields listed under ADBTEP2: on this panel set values for various ADBTEP2 parameters. The exception is the Use ADBSYSPT DD field, which controls the JCL that is used to call ADBTEP2. For detailed descriptions of the ADBTEP2 fields and the corresponding parameters other than Use ADBSYSPT DD, see Parameters passed to the ADBTEP2 program.

Specifies whether an ADBSYSPT DD statement is added to the ADBTEP2 step in the JCL.
An ADBSYSPT DD allows for a separate SYSOUT file for ADBTEP2 output. Otherwise, ADBTEP2 output is written to the SYSPRINT DD, which is also used by Db2 utilities for its output. Separating this output can help readability and prevent potential errors due to more than one application using SYSPRINT DD for output but with different file attributes.
ADBSYSPT is added to the JCL, as follows:
ADBSYSPT is not added to the JCL.

For systems that use JES3, the default is YES and this field is not displayed. Otherwise, the default is NO.

Space parameters:
Unit name
Specify the default unit name to use for allocating new data sets.
Space unit
Specify the unit in which space is to be allocated. You can specify that space be allocated in any of the following units:
A specified number of kilobytes in the range of 4096 to 32760.
Max Primary
Specify the maximum amount of primary space that can be allocated for a data set on DASD, as measured in the unit that is specified for Space unit.
Specify the maximum amount of space that can be allocated for a data set on DASD, as measured in the unit that is specified for Space unit. When Db2 Admin Tool estimates that the amount of space that is required for a data set exceeds this value, the data set is allocated to tape.
Tape unit
Specify a valid tape unit that is defined at your site.
Additional tape parameters
Specify other parameters for allocating utility data sets on tape.
Calc space
Specify whether to calculate space for utilities.
Primary alloc
Specify the default size for primary space allocation when Db2 Admin Tool cannot estimate the space requirements for an allocated data set. This situation can occur when the RUNSTATS and STOSPACE utilities have not been run.
Secondary alloc
Specify the default size for secondary space allocation when Db2 Admin Tool cannot estimate the space requirements for an allocated data set. This situation can occur when the RUNSTATS and STOSPACE utilities have not been run.
Unload pct
Specify the percentage increase in data set size for the UNLOAD data set.

The ALT function and Object Compare function convert data from the UNLOAD step. This converted data might require more space than the UNLOAD data set. Unload pct lets you increase the size of the converted data set by a percentage of the UNLOAD data set. This action can avoid out-of-space conditions.