Exporting changes
You can selectively export multiple changes made in one environment so that you can later distribute those changes to multiple external environments.
About this task
To export changes, you must first create a list of the changes whose statements are to be promoted. You can arrange those changes in any desired sequence. When the list is complete and you request that those changes be exported, Db2 Admin Tool extracts all of the change statements to a single file. A new change is created with the type COMPARE; it is marked COMPLETE when the promote process is complete. That file with the change statements can be then be imported into different environment. The import function uses the statements in that file to implement the change in the target environment.
You can create a single change by exporting multiple files at the same time. All types can be part of the same export.
Exporting a change is a two-phase process in which Db2 Admin Tool determines if the objects have any pending changes and then registers the exported change. If the exported SQL statements affect objects that have pending changes, the system determines whether the change becomes a prerequisite change for those pending changes.
Export processing can be done in TSO or batch mode. TSO is the default.
To export a change: