Creating and managing exclude specifications

You can exclude certain objects from input and output compare processes by creating exclude specifications. An exclude specification is a defined list of objects to exclude from a comparison.


To create and manage exclude specifications:

  1. On the DB2 Administration Menu (ADB2) panel, specify option CM, and press Enter.
  2. On the Change Management (CM) (ADB2C) panel, specify option 7 (Manage exclude specifications), and press Enter.
  3. On the Manage Exclude Specifications (ADBPC7) panel, select option 1 to view or edit an existing specification or option 2 to create a new specification. If you specify option 1, you can optionally specify any selection criteria at the bottom of the panel:
    Figure 1. Manage Exclude Specifications (ADBPC7) panel
     ADBPC7 in -------------  CM - Manage Exclude Specifications ------------- 10:38 . 
    .  Option ===>                                                                     . 
    .                                                                                  . 
    .                                                                                  . 
    .     1 - Display exclude specifications                    DB2 System: DD1A       . 
    .     2 - Create an exclude specification                   DB2 SQL ID: ADM001     . 
    .                                                                                  . 
    .                                                                                  . 
    .  Enter display selection criteria.  Settings: LIKE operator;  Criteria not saved . 
    .  Owner  . . . .           >                       Created by . .           >     . 
    .  Name . . . . .                                 > Altered by . .           >     . 
    .  Created within                                   Exclude ID . .                 . 
    .  Altered within                                                                  . 
    .  Eligible for delete:                                                            . 
    .    Within . . .                                                                  . 
    .    Next . . . .                                                                  . 
  4. Press Enter
  5. If you selected option 2 (Create an exclude specification), complete the following steps to create a new exclude specification:
    1. On the CM - Insert Exclude Specification (ADB2C22) panel, specify the owner name and specification name. You can optionally specify an Eligible for auto-delete value. Press Enter.
      The following message confirms that the new specification was added:
      INSERT stmt executed
    2. Exit (PF3) back to Manage Exclude Specifications (ADBPC7) panel.
    3. Specify option 1 (Display exclude specifications). Optionally specify any selection criteria at the bottom of the panel to help find your newly inserted specification. Press Enter.
  6. On the Exclude Specifications (ADBPC71) panel, enter the ESL line command next to a listed specification.
  7. On the CM - Exclude Objects (ADBPC7L) panel, use the line commands to edit the list of objects in the selected exclude specification. Type in object names and other information.
  8. Exit (PF3) back to the Manage Exclude Specifications (ADBPC7) panel.