DB2 Version 9.7 for Linux, UNIX, and Windows

Some registry and environment variables have been deprecated

There are a number of registry variables that have been deprecated in Version 9.7. The variables are still available, but you should not use them because they will likely be removed in a future version.

The following table lists deprecated registry and environment variables. They have been replaced by another feature, or the function that they support is obsolete.
Table 1. Registry and environment variables deprecated in Version 9.7
Registry or environment variable Details


The registry variable is being deprecated and might be removed in a future release because there are new methods to collect lock timeout events using the CREATE EVENT MONITOR FOR LOCKING statement. For more information, see Lock event reporting has been enhanced.


The registry variable is being deprecated and might be removed in a future release because the DB2® Workload Manager provides a greatly enhanced set of workload management features that replaces the DB2 Query Patroller. For more information, see DB2 Governor and Query Patroller have been deprecated


The registry variable is being deprecated and might be removed in a future release because the DB2 Workload Manager provides a greatly enhanced set of workload management features that replaces the DB2 Query Patroller. For more information, see DB2 Governor and Query Patroller have been deprecated


The registry variable is being deprecated and might be removed in a future release because the DB2 Workload Manager provides a greatly enhanced set of workload management features that replaces the DB2 Query Patroller. For more information, see DB2 Governor and Query Patroller have been deprecated


The registry variable is being deprecated and might be removed in a future release because you should use the alternate_auth_enc configuration parameter instead. For more information, see AES encryption of user ID and password enhances security.


This variable is used for switching back to JDBC type 2 driver, which was deprecated in a previous release. This registry variable is being deprecated and might be removed in a future release when the JDBC type 2 driver is removed