DB2 Version 9.7 for Linux, UNIX, and Windows

Introduction to embedded SQL

Embedded SQL database applications connect to databases and execute embedded SQL statements. Embedded SQL statements are embedded within a host language application. Embedded SQL database applications support the embedding of SQL statements to be executed statically or dynamically.

You can develop embedded SQL applications for DB2® in the following host programming languages: C, C++, COBOL, FORTRAN, and REXX.
Note: Support for embedded SQL in FORTRAN and REXX has been deprecated and will remain at the DB2 Universal Database™ , Version 5.2 level.
Building embedded SQL applications involves two prerequisite steps prior to application compilation and linking.

Once you have precompiled and bound your embedded SQL application, it is ready to be compiled and linked using the host language-specific development tools.

To aid in the development of embedded SQL applications, you can refer to the embedded SQL template in C. Examples of working embedded SQL sample applications can also be found in the %DB2PATH%\SQLLIB\samples directory.
Note: %DB2PATH% refers to the DB2 installation directory

Static and dynamic SQL

SQL statements can be executed in one of two ways: statically or dynamically.

Statically executed SQL statements
For statically executed SQL statements, the syntax is fully known at precompile time. The structure of an SQL statement must be completely specified for a statement to be considered static. For example, the names for the columns and tables referenced in a statement must be fully known at precompile time. The only information that can be specified at run time are values for any host variables referenced by the statement. However, host variable information, such as data types, must still be precompiled. You precompile, bind, and compile statically executed SQL statements before you run your application. Static SQL is best used on databases whose statistics do not change a great deal.
Dynamically executed SQL statements
Dynamically executed SQL statements are built and executed by an application at run-time. An interactive application that prompts the end user for key parts of an SQL statement, such as the names of the tables and columns to be searched, is a good example of a situation suited for dynamic SQL.