Creating a thin client response file (Windows)
clients are only supported in 32-bit environments. A response
file is used to set up each thin client workstation. A response
file is a text file that contains the setup and configuration data
to automate an installation. The file consists of a list of keywords
and corresponding values.
You can create a response file
for a thin client installation by editing the sample response file
provided with the data server.
Locate the sample response file db2thin.rsp in
the c:\sqllib\thnsetup directory, where c:\sqllib represents
the location where you installed your thin client code server.
In a response file, the asterisk (*) acts like a comment. Any
line that is prefixed by an asterisk will be ignored during the installation.
To enable a keyword, remove the asterisk. If you do not specify a
keyword, or if it is commented out, a default value will be used.
To install ODBC, remove the asterisk from the line as
shown in this example: COMP =ODBC_SUPPORT
For some keywords, you must set values. To enable these keywords, remove the asterisks. However, ensure that you also replace the contents to the right of the equal sign with the value that you want for the keywords.
Following is an example of the entry for Db2®.DIAGLEVEL:
*DB2.DIAGLEVEL = 0 - 4
To set this keyword to 4, make the
following change: DB2.DIAGLEVEL = 4
What to do next
You will use this response file in a subsequent step, setting up thin clients using the thnsetup command.