db2trcStartupSize IBM data server driver configuration keyword

Specifies the amount of trace buffer in MB that you can allocate.

Equivalent CLI keyword
Not available.
Equivalent IBM® data server provider for .NET connection string keyword
Not available.
IBM data server driver configuration file (db2dsdriver.cfg) syntax
<parameter name="db2trcStartupSize" value="buffer_size"/>
Default setting
The default value of the db2trcStartupSize keyword is 0. The value of 0 means that no trace facility is allocated.
Usage notes
The buffer_size value is specified in MB with the range of 1-1024 and in the power of 2. If the buffer_size value is not set to a value in the power of 2, the buffer_size value is rounded down to the closest power of 2 value.

You can set the trace facility buffer only once before the environment handle is allocated by the process that uses the data server libraries. After the trace facility buffer is set, you cannot change the trace facility buffer that is allocated by the db2trcStartupSize keyword while the data server libraries remain loaded in the operating system.

The trace facility buffer is deallocated when all running processes that use the libraries exit.

If the trace facility buffer is already allocated, the db2trcStartupSize keyword value cannot be greater than the buffer size that is already allocated. You can allocate the trace facility buffer by any of the following methods:
  • The db2start command.
  • The db2trc on or db2trc alloc command.
  • The db2trcStartupSize keyword in the db2dsdriver.cfg file.
  • The SQL_ATTR_DB2TRC_STARTUP_SIZE environment attribute.
If the allocated trace facility buffer size is smaller than the value of the db2trcStartupSize keyword in the IBM data server driver configuration file (db2dsdriver.cfg), the CLI driver returns a warning. The larger db2trcStartupSize keyword value is ignored and the previously allocated trace buffer is used.

The db2trcStartupSize configuration keyword is available on all supported platforms.

In the db2dsdriver.cfg configuration file, the db2trcStartupSize configuration keyword must be placed under the global parameters section.

Updating the db2dsdriver.cfg configuration file with the db2trcStartupSize configuration keyword must only be done when directed by a technical support representative.