Troubleshooting global variable problems

In general, troubleshooting applications with regard to global variables is not a problem if the user experiencing the problem has permission to READ the global variables. Having READ permission is all that is needed to know what the value of the global variable is by issuing a VALUES(Global Variable Name) statement. There will be cases where the user running the application will not have access to READ the global variable.

The first scenario illustrates a possible problem when referencing global variables that has a simple solution. The second scenario presents a more likely situation where the permission to READ the global variables needs to be granted to the appropriate users.

Scenario 1

References to global variables must be properly qualified. It is possible that there exists a variable with the same name and a different schema where the incorrect schema is encountered earlier in the PATH register value. One solution is to ensure that the references to the global variable are fully qualified.

Scenario 2

An application developer (developerUser) creates a highly complex series of procedures, views, triggers, and so on based upon the value of some session global variables (as opposed to database global variables) to which only he has read access. An end user of the application (finalUser) logs in and starts issuing SQL using the environment created by developerUser. finalUser complains to developerUser that he cannot see data that he must be allowed to see. As part of troubleshooting this problem, developerUser changes his authorization ID to that of finalUser, logs in as finalUser, and tries the same SQL as finalUser. developerUser finds that finalUser is right, and there is a problem.

developerUser has to determine whether finalUser sees the same session global variable values as he does. developerUser runs SET SESSION USER to see the session global variable values that the finalUser sees. Here is a proposed method to determine this problem and solve it.

developerUser asks the security administrator (secadmUser) to grant him permission to use SET SESSION USER as finalUser. Then developerUser logs in as himself and uses the SET SESSION AUTHORIZATION statement to set the SESSION_USER special register to that of finalUser. After running the SQL that is the problem, he then switches back to developerUser using another SET SESSION AUTHORIZATION statement. developerUser can now issue a VALUES statement and see the actual value of the session global variable.

What follows is sample SQL showing the actions taken in the database by developerUser.

# developerUser connects to database and creates needed objects

db2 "connect to sample user developerUser using xxxxxxxx"

db2 "create table security.users \
(userid varchar(10) not null primary key, \
firstname varchar(10), \
lastname varchar(10), \
authlevel int)"

db2 "insert into security.users values ('ZUBIRI', 'Adriana', 'Zubiri', 1)"
db2 "insert into security.users values ('SMITH', 'Mary', 'Smith', 2)"
db2 "insert into security.users values ('NEWTON', 'John', 'Newton', 3)"

db2 "create variable security.gv_user varchar(10) default (SESSION_USER)"
db2 "create variable security.authorization int default 0"

# Create a procedure that depends on a global variable
   SELECT authlevel INTO security.authorization \
   FROM security.users \
   WHERE userid = security.gv_user"

db2 "grant all on variable security.authorization to public"
db2 "grant execute on procedure security.get_authorization to public"
db2 "terminate"

# secadmUser grants setsessionuser
db2 "connect to sample user secadmUser using xxxxxxxx"
db2 "grant setsessionuser on user finalUser to user developerUser"
db2 "terminate"

# developerUser will debug the problem now

echo "------------------------------------------------------------"
echo " Connect as developerUser "
echo "------------------------------------------------------------"
db2 "connect to sample user developerUser using xxxxxxxx"

echo "------------------------------------------------------------"
echo "------------------------------------------------------------"
db2 "set session authorization = finalUser"

echo "--- TRY to get the value of gv_user as finalUser (we must not be able to)"
db2 "values(security.gv_user)"

echo "--- Now call the procedure---"
db2 "call security.get_authorization()"

echo "--- if it works it must return 3 ---"
db2 "values(security.authorization)"

echo "------------------------------------------------------------"
echo " SET SESSION AUTHORIZATION = developerUser "
echo "------------------------------------------------------------"

db2 "set session authorization = developerUser"

echo "--- See what the variable looks like ----"
db2 "values(security.gv_user)"

db2 "terminate"